Saturday, March 17, 2018

Stomping On The World By Joe Ingino

Stomping On The World
  They are calling him a dictator... all because he acts in the best interest of his country.  In the best interest of his people.  For too long nations like China have been raping our work force our economies and our economy.   It is time to turn the table around.
Men like Trump are far from few.  There is guy that is not taking one red tax payers cent for reenumeration.  Is under constant attack by the media.  Yet everything he seems to put his mind to do he gets it done.  Sure he may be arrogant, a little self centered... but think about it... He is human and if  you or I were put in his place would we not have the same qualities in our leadership... People need to stop the bashing and start appreciating change.  
Change has a price and in this modern time it appears that bitching is it.   Ok stop laughing.  You know what I mean...  It appears that we our civic conscious is the more we hate something the more we want it... The more it succeeds the more we look to dethrone it.
People let’s all take a deep breath and appreciate the moment.  A moment that is putting jobs back in America.  A moment that is putting China in it’s place.  Why should we bare the burden of job loss and a trade deficit in the Billions.   Nancy Reagan had it right with her boots... and they are made for walking all over you...  Go Trump Go.  Please liberate Canada from our political unic’s that serve as a servant in the Forbidden foreign cultural agendas.

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