Monday, March 26, 2018

Life After Life By Joe Ingino

Life After Life
    Is there Life after Life?  Some may argue that their is.  Some may give you a very romantic interpretation of eternity in either some hot place or an eternal abliss.
When you think about it.  Either way.  It be Hell.  The key here is to define ‘HELL’ by dictionary definition: ‘a place regarded in various religions as a spiritual realm of evil and suffering, often traditionally depicted as a place of perpetual fire beneath the earth where the wicked are punished after death.’ by second definition: ‘used to express annoyance or surprise or for emphasis.’
In the first. One could say that living is being in hell as we live on a planet that is perpetuated by fire deep in it’s core where the wicked roam and most live life in constant struggle.  Some may go as far as life bumps and grinds are a direct cause of some sort of punishment redirected from life choices.   Our heavens are those things that make us happy.  The good times and the breaks we enjoy on the occasion.
In the latter definition one could say that hell could be all around us..and if so... then life is heaven and life is hell.
With this said.  Then is there life after life?  Some have argued that life is a continuum that becomes entangled and or trapped in time and space.  I guess this is what we deem to be reality.  Life in it’s dictionary meaning refers to: the condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death.’  Well if this stands true, then life is more of biological entity then it is spiritual and or transient of time and place.
Interesting as if this stands true then there can’t be life after life.... yet all the indicators state differently.  Take for example the fact that we can clearly define our inner world from our outer.  They both can be altered and or compromised by drugs, disease and or mental state.
Then if so.  This is a distortion of our ability to work within the confines of time and place.
What if we were to look at this paradigm from the perspective that our inner being and our outer being are two separate vehicles entrapped in time and place by the rules of biology.
Hum... if so then this gives creditability to the argument that once the biological part of the being becomes compromised and or deteriorates that the inner part either become part of the whole or is some how re-invested into another receptive biological entity.
Ok. Now we are stretching the limits of imagination.   As if the argument stand to be remotely true.  One would think then why would the energy come back into another receptive host?  More so. Why does the energy form keep repleading itself and how.   Now this for some could be an easy problem to solve as one could argue that once the energy leaves the biological source of nourishment.  It enters the main stream of celestial energy... an energy form that is constant and self generating.
Ha. I can hear you thinking... Energy you say... where or how was this energy ever started.  Great question.  One has to think of energy not as that of which lights up bulbs.  One has to think of energy as every around us.  We are not a source.  We do not have a point of origin as we are constantly generating.  Let me explain.  Look around you.  Your reality is heavily dependent on constant speed, temperature and perception.  If the world was to slow down 100miles per hour.  Our reality would be shifted.  If the earth shifted in it’s axel.  Our realities would become very distorted.  Now does this mean that everything in the cosmics would also change?  Is it that what we know about the cosmics is nothing more then the parameters our realities entraps in?
What if Mars was not million of miles away... but in reality in very close proximity.  Or for example... the chair you are now sitting on.  What if all of a sudden it vaporized and you slowly began to see things blend one into another?  Would that still be reality?  Would that still be life?
Well, biologically it would until the changes compromised the structural make up of your being.
Then life as a biological entity would stop and you would become part of the new parameters that would present themselves before you. 
So the question stands.  Is there life after life?
The answer is as obvious as your intellect will allow you to live life.

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