Saturday, March 17, 2018

Sessions' IG investigation is worthless

Sessions' IG investigation is worthless
By Larry Klayman
Larry Klayman agrees with Trump on 'disgraceful' action of attorney general
Freedom Watch Has Launched a Petition to Remove Jeff Sessions as Attorney General. Please Sign By Going to and Share Everywhere You Can!

After more than a year of doing nothing about the runaway so-called Russian "collusion" investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller and his leftist hack, pro-Obama/Clinton "Deep State" prosecutors, and looking the other way as mountains of evidence surfaced about more Clinton Foundation bribery schemes ranging from Uranium One to a host of others – and after sitting back and allowing the outlaws in the FBI and the intelligence agencies, the NSA and CIA, continue to illegally and unconstitutionally surveil not just Trump, his family and advisers but masses of Americans – Attorney General Jeff Sessions has finally found the "courage" to ask the Inspector General of the U.S. Department of Justice to investigate the Fusion GPS Christopher Steele Dossier caper.

This "bold" act caused President Trump to label his attorney general's actions as "disgraceful," and rightfully so. But more is needed than just words. It is time for Sessions, who has been roundly excoriated by anyone with any "sense of common sense," much less a desire for justice, to be fired. The president must stop listening to his "Three Stooge" lawyers, Ty Cobb, Jay Sekulow and John Dowd, all of whom counsel him to play it safe as the establishment creatures of the dark swamp of Washington, D.C., carry on.

In the words of Thomas Paine, these are the times that try men's souls. Of course, Paine was talking about the days leading up to our first American Revolution. And unless strong action is taken now to rid the nation of the evil creatures like Mueller, James Comey, Barack Obama, Bill and Hillary Clinton, John Brennan, James Clapper and other despicable and thoroughly lawless individuals who sliver about the streets and gutters of Washington, D.C., subverting our republic, the vision of our Founding Fathers put into practice on July 4, 1776, will be forever trashed. And then we will be in the midst of what is certain to be a second American revolution, as the citizenry is getting smarter and more reactive by the day. Just look at Freedom Watch's website at to read the comments posted to the petition to have me appointed special counsel to rid the nation of the vermin that now infests it.

But let's get back to why President Trump reacted to "news" that "Jeffrey boy" had asked his IG to investigate the phony warrant triggered to unconstitutionally wiretap and surveil Trump Tower, catching the now-commander in chief, his family and colleagues, such as Gen. Mike Flynn, in this web of insidious and illegal spying.
The Steele dossier, a pack of lies about Donald Trump if one ever saw one – paid for by the Wicked Witch of the Left (former presidential nominee Hillary Clinton) and her minions at the Democratic National Committee – was used by the corrupt former FBI Director James Comey and his fellow clowns as the pretext to conduct the illegal wiretaps. And who rubber-stamped this illegal spying? Hapless establishment judges on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, a bunch of "yes men and women," who, like the judges handpicked by King George III of the Court of King James, rubber-stamped everything this tyrant wanted when it came to persecuting the American colonies. The acts of these establishment corrupted judges, by allowing the unconstitutional wiretaps, ultimately contributed to the appointment of Robert Mueller to investigate alleged Russian collusion and the illegal indictments of Gen. Mike Flynn and others around the president.

By now belatedly dumping this scandal into the hen house of the IG – which is an arm of the DOJ, and which oversees misconduct by its own FBI – Sessions is circling the wagons "in house" to ultimately cover-up or downplay the gross prosecutorial abuse of the agencies he leads as attorney general. This is classic and textbook Washington, D.C., swamp reptilian sleight of hand.
In addition to Sessions fearing Mueller and his out-of-control special counsel investigation, by sending only one of the Clinton/Obama scandals to his IG, he is protecting his yellow flanks at the DOJ. That is because the underbelly of the DOJ, comprised of an overwhelming majority of Clinton and Obama supporters, and not just its lawyers but even more so its support staff, are hostile to the president and even Sessions himself.

Thus, if Sessions pushes too hard to hold FBI and DOJ officials, past or present, accountable for their criminal acts, this Clinton/Obama Deep State will retaliate and ultimately drown him into the murky swamp of our totally corrupt so-called justice system. As just one example, swamp poop about his as-yet-untold actions will start to fly out of other dossiers concerning his conduct as attorney general.

This is the way Washington, D.C., works. The bureaucracy protects itself no matter which political party one comes from. In effect, if you don't gore my ox, maybe I will not gore yours. And, so the money changers in the nation's equivalent of the "Temple of Doom" march on, to enrich everyone, no matter what their political persuasion.

This week on my radio show on Radio America (, "Special Prosecutor with Larry Klayman," I teach a lesson about this nonexistent system of justice where the DOJ, my once former alma mater, colludes with dishonest federal judges – most of whom were nominated by former presidents Clinton and Obama – to run interference for the elite criminals who got them their seat on the bench, and who can get them even higher appointments. (It is also no coincidence that the DOJ inspector general is Michael Horowitz, an Obama appointee.) You can hear this sad and frightening analysis at Once you do, it's easy to understand why the nation stands on the precipice of revolution, which I am trying to prevent.

If Attorney General Sessions were serious about getting justice, he would appoint me special counsel. Frankly, there's no one else who has the fortitude to bring the criminals to justice and help to restore our totally corrupt justice system. If you wish to support my appointment, go to

Time is short to save the nation from the tyranny that mounts with each passing day.

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