Monday, May 28, 2018

Protecting your child’s health at a young age from Marissa Liana

Protecting your child’s health at a young age
Weather you already have babies or not, If you’re anything like me or planning to have
children in the future, you llikely want to protect your child from allergies, autoimmune conditions, eczema, obesity, depression, learning disabilities and autism in the best ways possible. So I wanted to share one of the foundational ways you can do so.
Ensuring the health of your child’s gut microbiome is critical.
Our microbiome is composed of all of our microorganisms/bacteria in and on our body. They are considered a counterpart to our human genome. Our genes and biology are greatly influenced by our environment, lifestyle, and the foods we eat. Genes can be turned on or off based on these factors which means we are never prisoners to our genes.
Studies have shown the importance of establishing this microbial diversity in infancy. The critical period / window of opportunity seems to be within the first 100 days of life to decrease the child’s risk of developing conditions such as eczema and allergies.
How do you protect your child’s microbiome / gut bacteria?
It starts in the womb.
1)Nutrition plays a huge role of course during pregnancy, as a mothers internal microbiome affects baby. Mother should be eating a diet rich in prebiotic foods daily, such as fruits and vegetables. Probiotics are the fibrous components of plants that act as food for our probiotics (healthy bacteria). These foods keep the bacteria healthy and diverse.
2) Vaginal Delivery is also extremely important to pass those supporting bacteria onto the baby. C-section babies lose out on this.
3) Breast feeding is another great way to pass our immune boosting microbes to baby.
4) Infant probiotics  5) Avoiding antibiotics at all costs.
If you are interested in learning more, I have written an entire Ebook - Holistic Pregnancy Guide, which provides 2 meal plans - pre and post natal to nourish yourself and your growing baby, as well as a complete supplement guide, lifestyle guide, and all the facts you need to know for a healthy, holistic pregnancy. for more info--  Marissa Liana, CNP, BHSC Kin    Until next week, Stay well.  Marissa.

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