Monday, May 28, 2018

Marihuana Snacks... REALLY? By Joe Ingino b.a.

By Joe Ingino b.a.

“I live a dream in a nightmare world”
Marihuana Snacks... REALLY?
   How lower can our standards get?   In order not to be labeled a ‘PHOBIC’ we are forced to accept insanity, cultures and customs that by their practice are insulting to the norms and laws of the land.  Yet, we must live our lives with that heavy social hammer over our heads...  to the point that if we comment and or make any personal observation we are labeled. Is that right or fair.  Is that not prejudice in itself?   Are we not giving up our freedoms and rights by being forced to accept and alternate our ways of life to accommodate?  Life is a strange bag of nuts.
Look at this week what came over the news wire and I kid you not... this is an actual police news release:
Marihuana Snacks Taken to School
Officers in Oshawa are trying to educate parents and children after snacks containing marihuana were brought into the same elementary school on two occasions.
On Monday, May 14, 2018 a Grade 6 student brought home-baked cookies into the Oshawa school as a treat. After consuming the cookies, four students (three were 11 years old, one was 12 years old) reported feeling dizzy and euphoric. On Wednesday, May 16, the DRPS was called in to investigate by school officials from the Durham District School Board.
Investigation revealed that one parent had made the cookies for a spouse with a medical marihuana license. Some of the batch had been taken from the home without consent by an older sibling (high school age), but somehow ended up in the Grade 6’s backpack. As part of this investigation, the Children’s Aid Society was called in to conduct a review.
In a completely separate incident involving other kids the week before, THC-infused gummy bears had been consumed in the same elementary school. In that incident, four children in Grade 7 and 8 (ages 12 and 13) reported feeling dizzy and euphoric after consuming a gummy bear brought in by one of the students. It is unknown how the child came into possession of the gummy bears, as they were not made at home.
Officers have also taken the time to educate students, parents and teachers in both the Durham District School Board and the Durham Catholic District School Board about the dangers and risks of consuming psychoactive chemicals at such an early age. Images of the pre-packaged gummy bears have been circulated to staff members so they are familiar with what the product looks like.
So much for the peanut allergy?  My kid can’t enjoy a jelly and peanut butter sandwich.  A delight that has fed most of us during our childhood.   But some pot head sends dope laced cookies for their kids... and the police is attempting to educate parents!!!!   Like really... education is needed to use common sense.   WHO SENDS POT LACED COOKIES TO AN UNDER AGED KID?  
I have an educational question for the police.... WHO THE HELL IS MAKING POT LACED GUMMY BEARS...    Like really?   We the public need the education.  I say the police need to stop educating and start slamming some cuffs on these assholes that make cookie/gummy bears and similar things that end up in our schools.
Medicinal bullshit.  Medicinal gummy bears.. Like fucking really?    Medicinal cookies... When was the last time someone made a viagara gummy bear?   Or and all chemo therapy cookie?
This medicinal pot movement is yet another nail in our social coffin.
If there is any truth to this wonder plant...  Then distribute it in a pill for or oil/syrup.   Why should I be forced to accept a pot head pretending it’s for medicinal purpose?
Is it not bad enough that I have to be exposed to idiots that are attempting to stop smoking by vaping and polluting my air.
Now I have to deal with the stench of pot in my face?   
What are we becoming?  The police instead of policing are educators.   Our politician are nothing but flags in the wind.  Moving from one social pleasure to another in order to attract votes.
Look at the recent PC press release where Ford is promising to go back to convenience store wine sales.  To go back to one dollar beer.
Like really.  Are we the voters that ignorant that we fall for the shinny mirror trick?   Have we not learned anything from the natives?   Come on folks wake up.  Pot in our schools is wrong. Get the cops in there and clean house.  Stop the teaching.    Legalization of pot for recreational us is like legalizing public nudity to overcome shyness.  It just does not make any sense.
The bottom line is tax dollars and billions in revenues.   As you read this the government has hand picked its growers and distributors...  yet we are  banned from sending peanut butter into our schools... Where is the social justice?

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