Saturday, May 19, 2018


By John Mutton      
    As the Provincial election gets into its final weeks, it seems to get more interesting daily. More than ever, I think the public will be voting candidate based in the respective ridings.

The unpopularity of Wynne, the internal turmoil in the PCs and the rise in polling of the NDP says a 1990 NDP rise to power could happen again.
Patrick Brown's Peoples Guarantee had the PC's taking the centre right with the public appeal that would have created a possible dynasty in Ontario, not so much now since the internal coup.

In our Region that has five ridings the latest polls I have seen is PC's winning in Durham Riding, Ajax and Pickering and the NDP winning huge in Oshawa and pulling out a win in Whitby. Whether this holds true is totally up to the leaders, party position and the sincerity and credibility of the candidates.
Let's remember that anything can happen over the final weeks and anything and everything likely will happen.

With the municipal election on the heals of the provincial election, we will have confusion and a long drawn out process. Don't be afraid to ask the candidate's candidates daily.

Till Next Week

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