Thursday, May 17, 2018

The Trump Factor By Joe Ingino b.a.

By Joe Ingino b.a.

“I live a dream in a nightmare world”
The Trump Factor
  It appears that no matter who wins.  The people always seem to  have something to bitch about.   When Obama was in office.  Those dam Democrats.   Now the Republicans are in the drivers seat... and it’s those dame Republicans.
The bottom line and in keeping with the spirit of democracy.  We must park our indifference and warrant merit where it is due.
Obama was a humanitarian, a passive/aggressive leader that cared for his people but failed to deal with the many road blocks he faced during his Presidency.
Trump on the other hand appears to be driving a bulldozer and stops for no one or anything.  So far, one has to give him credit, that his bullish approach has the dollar at the highest it has been in a long time.  The U.S. economy is booming and he is finally taking control of the world as the leader of the strongest country in the world.
Look at his work with the North/South Korea.  Look at his initiatives with Israel.   Look at his work with eradicating the ‘YES MEN’ in politics.
I wish he go further and pass a bill that would include everyone in politics.   As it stands if you are not wealthy.  Your only contribution to the institution of democracy is a cheap vote.
It appears that in order to run a political campaign in the United States you best to have a minimum of five hundred thousand or good luck.
For President you best have millions... what does this say for the rest of us?  Politics is not for the average person.  Yet, these politicians go out of their way to identify with the common folk.
We have fallen into a false sense of acceptance when it comes to politics.  We are led to believe that democracy is democratic.   By it’s own inner structure.  It is clear that there is nothing democratic about forcing influence and extracting votes.   Trump brings this to life... as those that oppose him point it out and those that support it take it as the status quo in politics.

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