Friday, June 18, 2021



By Joe Ingino

“I live a dream in a nightmare world”   

       I remember the days of Gordon Burnette.  The longest standing OPUC voted chair.   During his reign at the OPUC.  The OPUC was the pride of Oshawa.  No one went without power and the man was a true  gentleman.
  Gordon was the type of person that believed in helping those he represented.  Many would come up to him and explain their financial situation and Gordon would make sure these folk would not get turned off.  He understood the value of a dollar and most importantly hardships.
Gordon and honest man to a fault.   The OPUC never ran on a deficit and every penny was accounted for.   He did not take a penny of reenumeration as any benefits he would donate back to the community.   Today’s OPUC is nothing short of sham.  A huge cash cow for the City... And yes we the people of Oshawa own the OPUC.    Under the  Diamond era... in her hate for Gordon.  She had vowed to destroy the OPUC.   Gordon and Diamond never agreed on much as Diamond was very selfish in her ways as if you did not agree with her.  You had a enemy for life.  I remember on one occasion Nancy calling Gord and old goat and Gord turn around calling her and old cow.  This sparked the first MMA type of fight half way thru a OPUC meeting.
I remember stepping in between them as Nancy at 6.5, 300lb and Gord at 5.1 barely 150lb was not going to turn out well for Gord.
When the government passed the resolution to abolish PUBLIC - part of the Utility.  The utility incorporated.  The City kept control of the utility but now had to hire outsiders to run the daily business.  
Since then the utility has operated as a run away train. Accountable to no one and hire men like  Ivanno Labricciosa.   An outsider with a questionable history.    The current management run business with an iron boot.   All they seem to care about is preserving their jobs and keeping what they make a secret.
Just recently people have been calling me to verify if the letters they are getting in the mail are valid.   Apparently our good community minded managers at the OPUC  are mailing out disconnection notices with a warning of service cancellation.  This leaving many consumers fuming.    In the middle of covid and they have the balls to send out these notices... Wow...  yet this Labricciosa sits on the Mayor’s useless economic recovery task force.  What the hell does he know about recovery.. and helping those that need it.   This same man use to sit in the BIA.  Really, who is this masked man.   I should not be so hard on him as he is proof of all that is wrong in the city.   People with little or no experience in the real needs of those on the front line on one hand giving themselves false importance by showing up at brown nose committees and tasks forces only to turn around and under his watch send out threats and harassment to his customers during Covid.  I call for his resignation.  We need leaders not hypocrites.   The OPUC needs to be accountable to the people that pay their wages.

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