Saturday, June 12, 2021



By Joe Ingino

“I live a dream in a nightmare world”   

    Come on people where will the stupidity end.   This past week in conversation with a local politician.   They bragged on how much they are doing for addicts and the drug scene.  They had the audacity to state that safe injection sites are the answer to the drug addiction problem.   I could not believe my ears that someone could be that ignorant.   We are supposed to be at war with drugs.   How can the police arrest people for possession, sale and distribution if idiots in municipal government support safe heavens.
  How can the police do their job when our municipal elect deem it ok to shoot up in a warm safe place.   Their argument is that if we don’t supply them with a facility that these needles will end up in our parks and creeks as it is happening now.
  Really, do we live in such an ass backwards society that we can’t even understand the basic concept of common senses?
Common sense would tell you... that if we allowed safe injection sites that all we are doing is promoting drug use.  Something that is against the law.   By allowing safe injection sites we would indirectly be supporting the drug  trade as those dealing would find ways to make drugs more available to any of the patrons of safe injection sites.
 Common sense folks.  Common sense would tell me that instead of safe injection sites.   We need for police to have the authority to send anyone caught under the use of any drug to a government run detox facility and not one of those revolving door facilities.   A facility that would have the authority to keep addicts for indefinite period of time until it is assured that the person is not a threat to themselves or society.   If suffering mental health.  Keep them at the facility until such time as they can come back to society without been deemed a nuisance.
Let the police go after the drug dealers with a vengeance.   
Is it not bad enough that we have pot legalized.   What are we pushing for cocaine, heroine a meth to become legal.
  Imagine what society would become.  I think we have let our standards drop low enough.   I think we should take back our Country, our communities and our society.
No more rationalizing insanity in order to make it appears as we care.   If we care we do the right thing and grab the bull by the horns.   Deal with the real problem.  Not create bigger ones.
We in Canada need significant changes to  how we deal with many things.   We need to bring national pride to our country.  We need to unite for the right reason and not loosely use the word inclusive to patronize interest groups.    We need to have higher standards and stop compromising our national identity.  Canada for Canadians should be the new standard.

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