Friday, June 4, 2021



By Joe Ingino

“I live a dream in a nightmare world”   

    What is it with human kind?   Why are we so bent over backwards and keep on making the same old mistakes.   In Ontario we are down to about 700 cases per day.   Instead of keeping what is working going.  No politicians get all ansey and decide to make plans for going back to the causation of another wave of COVID.
Come on people wake up.  This COVID is not going away all of a sudden.   The fact that we have  had a large number of people vaccinated it does not mean that those people can’t still become ill.  Or worst be a carrier and further cause sickness.  This false sense of security with the vaccine in my opinion is like putting a band aid on the crack of  a dam.   It may hold for a bit.... but the crack will eventually rupture and the after affects are obvious.
  Instead of rushing to open anything back.  Why not sit on it a little longer.   Why not truly see if we can get the numbers  under 10 per day.  That to me would signify reason for opening.
  In a radio report this morning.  A bar in Chicago was allowing patrons to come in only if they had a vaccination card.  Once inside patrons could mingle without masks on.   Really.   1st, what right does the bar have to refuse entry to anyone.  2nd Are bar manager now experts in COVID transmission and are they going to accept liability in the even someone becomes sick while in their bar?
Society today faces the worst governance problem ever.   We elect politicians to do jobs they are not qualified to do.   Way over their expertise and or intellectual aptitude.  This means that their decisions have to be based on advice from so called experts.
Common sense and rational thinking become clouded by influence, greed and money.   We the human race are  becoming the stupid race as we are ignoring past mistake and continue to commit the same one expecting different results.
We can’t afford to be stupid.... can we?

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