Saturday, May 21, 2022


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret. You got to be kidding me... How many shades of greed oops, I meant BLUE are there. From the true blue blooded Conservative party old guard to the People’s Party that can’t win a seat. It appears that the under rank has lost sense of direction and anyone and everyone that does not like kissing ass before being considered for a promotion can now open up a branch of the conservative party. I got to laugh at the NEW BLUE provincial party. REALLY... COME ON FOLKS. Look in Oshawa alone. This Alex Dawn. An arrogant, ‘YES MAN’ type. She is the classic example of all that is wrong with the conservatives. The party has lost it’s purpose, it’s vision and by the selection of it’s candidates it’s mind. With this said. Look at a guy like Colin Carrie. A conservative waiting on the sidelines... for what no one knows... as it has been almost a decade and what has he done for Oshawa. I use to be a strong supporter of the Conservative party. Jim Flaherty was one of our first columnist. Unfortunately the Flaherty days are no longer part of the conservative party legacy. I remember in those days. The conservative party was about leadership and about duty to the party. It was about working hard to assure the true values of the conservative party were felt in the community. Today, the conservatives have proven to be no better or worst than those they attempt to defeat. It is not about preservation of ideology and way of life. It is about jockeying for the top seat. Members don’t like it or disapprove of the way things are being done. They branch off and start their own party. This clearly showing the lack of understanding and commitment that is needed to truly represent any party. You can’t lead by division. You can’t win by splitting votes. If within your own conservative party you have splinters. How are the voters to take you serious and as a solid party. May there be hope for the conservatives yet? Let’s look at a man like: Pierre Marcel Poilievre PC MP. A careered politicians with the right look, the right moves and knows how to say when and for the right reason. Could he be the messiah for the conservatives? Or just another wolf in sheep skin. Personally, I been doing this for way to long. I have seen them come and go. I believe that Pierre end goal is obvious and he will dance to any tune played before him. Charming the votes of anyone that will take a moment to hear him. For this reason I tread with caution as I seen this type of leader before. I am sure the Liberals are thinking something similar with Trudeau.... Thinking how long can we ride this Trudeau nostalgia horse. Can the Trudeau nostalgia be enough to beat the song and dance that Pierre brings to the center stage? Hard to tell as we the voters have become so confused and have surrendered our ability to rationalize misinformation that we rely on voting on smiles, empty promises and much like Trudeau win. On nostalgia. We do not live in a democratic state. We live in a deceptive, misinformed state that emblematically shields itself as a democracy. Blue is not blue anymore. Don’t be fooled by the many shades as they are only signs of weakness not strength.

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