Saturday, May 7, 2022


IT IS OFFICIAL AND I DID IT FOR OUR CHILDREN By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Dear People of Oshawa. allow me to take this time and explain my recent decision to run for the office of Mayor. I am a hard working local business man raising a family like most of you. I work hard for what I have and know the true value of a dollar. I drive through our downtown and my heart aches. How can we live in such a rich nation and have our own country folk living on our streets. Many call the homeless a ‘problem’. When in reality it is more a circumstance. A circumstance that we are all having to deal with. Many blame it on social services. Others on drug/alcohol addictions. Some point the the lack of affordable mental health services for Canadians, not to mention the lack of affordable housing. To me these are all parts of a bigger picture. Many wise men have said that the solution to a problem lies in the problem. Well this is not a problem but circumstance of various factors. I say this because in order to deal with the homeless we must understand it’s parts and create a clear path/vision that we can follow. As it stands many of the services available are fragmented. They are scattered and restrictive. In part this is why even though making an impact are not effective. We have the services but not the vision to align them to the needs of those in need. We can drive by those in need and snub our noses up. Just remember we at any given time for an array of reason can become homeless or substance dependent. Not to mention suffer from mental illness that may causes us to become homeless. With this said. I can’t beyond me come to terms to on how our elected officials can go to sleep at night knowing people in need are sleeping out in the cold. On our downtown businesses doorways and our alleys. How can in good consciousness our municipal elect collect their pay when there are so many in dire need. You would think that the city elect would make it priority one to find a solution. Four years have passed and the problem has been getting worst. We are now to the point that the drug trafficking and sales are an all time high. Prostitution has shot up by 60%. People are dying of overdose at an alarming rate. Our parks and ravines are full of disposed needles. The real worrisome thing is that there are no real plans on how to deal with it. DO WE WANT OR NEED ANOTHER FOUR YEARS OF THIS? My decision to run in this election is one to clean up our city. I don’t need the job nor the money. I am doing it out of civic duty. I can write about it. My staff can report on it... at the end of the day. Nothing changes. For this reason I decided that I must put my words, my expertise and my knowledge to good use and do something about it before it gets worst. I pledge to fix our city homelessness and related issues. I am a man of my word. To prove it I will not take a penny of reenumeration until I achieve this objective immediately as it needs the outmost attention. I promise that I will work with the mind set that the tax dollars you entrust me to work with, as if they were my own. I will cut expenses. I will assure to freeze taxes for at least the four years I will serve in office. I will negotiate with major investors/industry/trade and the like to bring Oshawa opportunity and good paying jobs. This will help offset to pay for any increase in cost for services rendered. My four year forecast will be one that will transform downtown Oshawa to world standards. Bring developers and investors to offset the population expansion from Toronto. Stop allowing the use of prime farm lands for ‘stick and drywall’ type of developments as we see to the North of Oshawa. Other municipalities have done it why not Oshawa. Use the Mississauga model to tailor our own path forward. We need leadership not managers. Carter he did what he could with his limitations. Now it is time to make the right changes and take Oshawa back from the dark cloud of despair it has been under for the past four years and make it shine across the region, the province and Canada. Working with the Regional Chair to bring prosperity and opportunity to Oshawa. The Regional Chair has had many milestones and is doing exceptional work to attract business to Durham. We must align ourselves and our future growth with the efforts put forth by the Region. My administration with the help of staff and council will work to assure that no opportunity is overlooked. That all citizens have a voice and that all ideas and consultations are not brushed off to committee. I will dissolve many committee that are only a layer of red tape. I promise to make myself available to all citizens much like I am now as your editor and publisher of the Central newspapers. People of Oshawa should feel as if they can walk into my office any time and vent their ideas, concerns and opinion... Something that the current administration has failed to do. People in Oshawa feel marginalized, discriminated against and made to feel as second class citizens. THIS WILL STOP. Soon I will have a full detailed platform available for view. My 2022 plan of action. You may visit At the current moment my 2018 platform stands.... and if you take the time to read it. Many of the issues presented are still applicable today. As the current administration has done nothing to improve our quality of life. Soon you will be able to read in full. We need to operate the City of Oshawa as the corporation that it is. We must stop relying on tax dollars and look for investment and partners to create revenue to infuse into programs and service for the people of Oshawa. TOGETHER WE CAN MAKE IT HAPPEN. Oshawa is for us to take back. It is for us to really elect real leadership. Now is the time to make a difference. Don’t make the same mistakes we have made in the past. We, our children can’t afford to pay for our mistakes. Use your vote wisely this election. 2022 Hopefully will be remembered as the year for change in Oshawa. If you like to volunteer or donate please call me at any time 905-441-2657 or sent cheques to 136 Simcoe St. N. #4 L1G 4S7.

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