Saturday, May 28, 2022


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret. Dear friends and fellow taxpayers. Since I have put my candidacy forth for Mayor of our beloved City of Oshawa. I have received and overwhelming amount of support and encouragement. For that I thank all those that so far have come forth with such encouraging thoughts and well wishes. As it stands there are many people upset/frustrated with the current municipal administration. People do not fee safe walking our city streets. People are seeing first hand how the quality of life in Oshawa has slowly eroded to a level never seen before. This column is not about the obvious problems in Oshawa. this column is a message to take to heart to anyone thinking of running for municipal office. If you are thinking of running do it because you want a better Oshawa not for you but for children. Make sure you teach yourself or talk to others in the community with first hand knowledge of the issues and the needs. Make sure that you understand the job you are about to be elected to perform. Assure you have the time to put forth to be successful in that municipal position. As it stands the problem with our city is that our elected are going through the motions and not doing the job. Sitting in committees and or council is not the job. But part of the job. Councillors are not there to keep score for agendas. Councillors are there as door openers for opportunity for all. Many elected today have stopped caring and only care about fluffing pensions and or assuring that come friday they can collect their pay. It is a culture at City hall that needs to change. The way I see it. The Mayor is the CEO of the corporation. He is the sole responsibility of the success or failure of the enterprise. Council are upper management. Council meetings should be the place we all as a community rejoice over the proposed projects brought before us. Instead City council is nothing short of a rubber stamping process for choices made behind closed doors and heavily persuaded by lobbyist. Look what happened recently at the region with the passing of developing prime lands. For those thinking to enter the Mayoral race. Ask yourself one fundamental question. Is it because I want to win? Is it because you want change for your city? Well if you answer yes to any of those questions. Think about this. If you enter the race now. The votes will be split. This means that the incumbent will win. This meaning more of the same. Is that what we want? My suggestion for anyone wanting to do something positive for the City. Join the INGINO campaign. Mathematically we stand a chance. I am looking for advisors, volunteers, donations. Mathematically and traditionally. The incumbent always has the advantage. The more candidates the greater the chance of re-election. I have seen Oshawa slip for 30 years. It is time to take it back and bring it back to the jewel it was once. Let’s borrow the play book from Mississauga and follow to a ‘T’ and improve it. Success is near. The question is how bad we want it? Let’s work together for the betterment of our kids future.

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