Thursday, May 12, 2022

End the war in ukraine bring back trump

By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Funny how Trump use to deal with foreign affairs. In his own magical way he would befriend those America hated. In it’s magic Trump would control and manipulate them in a majestic fashion. The world was at peace Today under ‘COME ON MAN’ super hero Brandon. The world is chaos, the gas prices are out of control. Jobs are far from few. The world is facing threat of a third world war. COME ON MAN... Really. Thank the God’s for COVID as Covid has become the carpet of inwhich the incompetent can put the blame under. Putin in a way is smart. He seen the weakness in Biden. He seen how poorly Biden handled the Middle East. For the Russians it was an opportunity of a life time. The Chinese indirectly backing Putin. It was the perfect moment to invade. ISIS is rebuilding and waiting for America’s weakest moment to strike again...It is as if doomsday is a matter of time.... Then again... Imagine if Trump was in office. I am sure he would have met with Putin and cut a deal to not invade the Ukraine. That is what business men do. Negotiate. Biden much like in some of his speeches. His administration is all over the map. In this quest to save the environment he is killing the people on it by driving them to poverty. The gas prices are blamed on the supply line. On covid. On the war. When in reality the gas prices are the blame of an administration that has no direction and follows public opinion. We must go back to what worked. Trump had a solid understanding of our energy needs. He had the Arab suppliers basically giving the oil away. He had total control of the second teared oil producing nations and even in a position where he could export oil/gas produced and sourced in the U.S. Why the drastic change under the administration of captain ‘COME ON MAN’? Don’t get me wrong. This is not about being a Democrat or a Republican. This is about what makes sense for the people of the country. At some point politicians have to come to grip with the reality that we must act in the best interest of those that elected us. I guess that by jacking the gas prices up. The administration can justify selling more electric cars. Cars that much like the turbine turned out to be will be a great idea but not practical or logically sound. All we can do for now is grind our teeth and count day to the next election and hope that America is restored to at the least pre last election.

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