Tuesday, June 14, 2022

‘The Hearing’ nothing short of Democratic hypocrisy

By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” hypocrisy by definition: 1. the practice of claiming to have higher standards or more noble beliefs than is the case. It is important to start with a clear dictionary definition as not to seem bias in the following opinion. By now most of us have had a peek at the so called ‘January 6th Hearing’. A process to determine facts that by their own claims is supposed to be bipartisan. It is a clan of hypocrites on an attack. By definition ‘BIPARTISAN’: 1. involving the agreement or cooperation of two political parties that usually oppose each other's policies. Now for anyone that has watched the first and second round of this so called ‘Hearing’ can attest to the fact that there is nothing bipartisan about it. It appears as a one side bashing. From the opening words. It was an all out assault on former president Donald Trump. A president that has taken more abuse in the media than any other president in the history of the United States. Yet, this horrible individual, womanizer, tax evader and now the hearing attempting to make him out a terrorist managed to bring our gas prices to a historical low. Managed to put an end to terrorism in the middle East. Managed to create jobs for Americans and finally put the Arab oil producing nations in their place.... by deflating their price for crude. As I listen to the hearing. I can’t help to hear the envy, the anger, the hidden agenda by those in the committee. What was supposed to be bipartisan fair and fact finding. Has become nothing but a school yard name calling, finger pointing, feet stomping exercise. We are showing the world that we can’t lead. That our political integrity has been compromised by our own ignorance. America like most other empires in history is about to fall. We in history classes always wondered what ever happened to the AZTEC for example. All of a sudden a once mighty civilization gone. Could it be that they also reached a point in their greatness and became so greedy that stupidity, arrogance caused their extinction? We never listen to history. If anything we attempt to erase it and reconcile something that can’t as content and context at that time can never be brought back or changed. This hearing is an insult to democracy and the people’s right to demonstrate as prescribed in the constitution. Stop looking for blame and look for reason, logic.

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