Monday, June 6, 2022


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret. Many are asking how my mayoral platform is coming along. The platform is ready. The issue is how to tailor the presentation as it is not utilized without my permission before the election. In the past I have written solutions to a local problems... and boom miraculously and without any credit. The solution becomes implemented by City hall. Just recently the Mayor has been busy working on numerous press releases. Releases that through his administration were far from few. It appears now that we are upon the eve of a municipal election he has to make it look like he has done something and or is doing. The question I have for him is. How can he go to sleep at night knowing that his people are sleeping on the streets? In a release entitled: ‘Message from His Worship Mayor Dan Carter to Business Community Stakeholders, May 2022’,. He stated: Our economic recovery has always depended on the idea of working together. (his definition of together is... as long as it benefits him. The mayor has show bias and prejudice towards local businesses/contractors and developers. Why do you think we in Oshawa do not have any building over 20 floors. Real developers have pulled away and left it for these two by four/drywall type of future ghetto developers). Whether you’re a local consumer, business or government policymaker, our collective actions have a profound cumulative impact on our economic direction. (Really name one impact that they have had under his leadership? One.) That’s why advocacy is so important to the work we do at the City of Oshawa. When we formed the Mayor’s Economic Recovery Task Force in 2020, we knew that advocating for your business, hearing your voice and communicating that message with all tiers of government would be critically important to emerge from the pandemic in a stronger position than ever. (In my opinion the Task Force is a joke. The councillor chairing it has no actual business experience or practice. He is to be taken serious as an advocate? They tell people they are advocacy group... in other fancy word for saying they are doing nothing and relying on a prayer. This is the same advocate that refused $100,000. free money from a local business in the middle of COVID. This is the same mayor that refused this same company out of personal vendetta, prejudice, bias. This is the same mayor that has turned off real investment do to his red tape from his city permit department. This is the same mayor that advocated making illegal to feed the poor on our streets. The same advocates to spend your hard tax dollars on rent a cops at the tune of $90/hr and pay the guards $40. To harass and rough up the homeless. This is the same advocate that refused a permit for C.A.M.P- Community Assisted Meal Program. A program that ran with zero tax dollars. The mayor took it upon himself to shut it down... This is advocacy? This is leadership? No real or formal reason given. Just that he did not like the organizers. This is the same mayor that stands before his supporters of the Durham Realtor Board and boasts on how he brought a billion dollars worth of development during COVID. When in reality he had nothing to do with it, as it is called natural population growth. This is the same mayor that attempted to take credit for the announcement of GM once again tossing us a token bone. Smoke and mirror. This has to stop. Let’s bring pride back to Oshawa. Let’s stop pretending and let’s start doing what we should have been all along.

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