Friday, June 17, 2022


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret. Lie after lie. You can’t blame the man. Blame those that believe his lies. This seems to stand true with the many statement and attributes our current Mayor Dan Carter keeps putting out in hope for re-election. As recent interview he was quoted, “ I'm really proud that we went from the plant being closed, to us seeing over $1.5 billion invested and three shifts at 2,600 people back to work. That was a huge accomplishment.” he attempted to take credit for GM tossing a token back to Oshawa. What he fails to tell you that these 2,600. jobs are primarily at a minimum wage. Carter continues: ‘One of the biggest part of the story out of this is, over 50 per cent of the assembly line workers are females. And that is a huge cultural change. It's a huge statement in regard to the diversity.” Carter is so delusional that he attempts to hide behind diversity when in reality he is exposing GM for treating women as second class citizens and forcing them to work for minimum wage. This is diversity? GM knows that if they stop producing cars in Oshawa. All the land they sit on defaults back to Oshawa. Many people do not know that. But those lands GM sits on were awarded by Col Sam McLaughlin to GM for a dollar as long as GM produced cars. If GM ever stopped. Those lands were to be defaulted to the City. GM has played this game of a big announcement only to turn face a few months later with a song and dance for not living through the deal. Carter had nothing to do with this as they are playing him a fool. Much like the smoke and mirror facade he has presented for the past three years. Like they say proof is in the pudding. Our property taxes have gone up 12% over three years and our quality of life has drop to an all time low. You can’t claim gains when the losses are obvious. You can’t hide behind statistics when the reality of the poverty in Oshawa hits you in the face every time you drive downtown. Look around our neighborhoods. The quality of life has deteriorated. Folks are neglecting their property out of sheer lack of finance. We need to put money back in our citizens pockets by freezing all tax increases for the next four years. It many not be a lot. But something is better than nothing and during these times of hardship a little means a lot. Together we an work towards bringing Oshawa to the world stage. This will be a win, win for all of us. Good jobs, good developments and prosperity. Wake up Oshawa. Now is the time to make the right change. Let’s stop expecting results when our city is being operated like an institution and not a corporation. We have a Mayor that has shown to lack the understanding the intellect and experience to bring success to our city. Like the say the proof is in the pudding not on some statistics that do not reflect reality.

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