Friday, June 10, 2022


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret. I like to begin this column by thanking all the citizens that took time to come down to the Oshawa Flea Market this weekend to meet with me. I also like to thank the many that stopped by and asked questions. Raised concerns and expressed their disapointments over our current municipal government. Many expressed what a good idea it was for someone like myself to take the time to actually sit and listen to their concerns. Many pledged to support my campaign by either volunteering or financially. We in Oshawa have the nicest people. Many would stand and look at me from afar first.... Then they would pick the right moment to approach me and tell me... that they normally do not like to complain or talk about people. They have had enough. Many seniors expressed concern over the 11% tax increase over four years. Not to mention the skyrocketing sub tax we pay in Durham to the region in the form of a water bill and sewer. Others felt the need to express their concerns over public safety. Seniors are not feeling safe walking our streets. Specially our downtown core. One couple thanked me for taking my time and coming out to the flea market to meet citizens. They express their concern over how they have called city hall. Many times their council member and they never received a call back. This in my book is so wrong. I if with your help blessed to be elected. I will take one day a month. This day will be an open door to city hall and council. The purpose will be to hear anyone and everyone that has a concern or just something to say. I as lead of council will want to hear ideas and opinion on how to make our city a better place to live. I want people to feel as they belong and as they have a voice in Oshawa’s future. The Oshawa Flea Market is a great place for people to come together and experience the open market concept. A place where you can still negotiate a price. Where you can pick up one of a kind type of item. A true community place creating a great place for commerce to thrive. I plan on being at the flea market until election day. I plan on meeting as many people as I can and express the word that ‘HOPE FOR OSHAWA IS COMING”. That a vote for INGINO will not be a wasted vote but one of unity of all people for the betterment of all our lives. A vote to improve the quality of life so that we may thrive. A vote for prosperity and development that will put Oshawa on the global stage. A vote that you can benefit from directly by having access to make a real impact on the future of our home city of Oshawa. Look forward to meeting with you at the flea market. Or if you like just come down to our offices and bring your opinions, ideas and thought. I CARE. I WILL LISTEN.

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