Monday, September 26, 2022

By Karrie Lynn Dymond ward 5 City Councillor Hello everyone, my name is Karrie Lynn Dymond. As the title reveals I am a ‘Newbie’ to municipal politics. A newbie that is frustrated with watching our city slowly erode while our taxes keep going up. I like you work very hard for my money. I don’t mind spending it and paying my share of taxes. Unfortunately, these sentiments are not being shared by those elected to represent us. It appears that they can spend our tax money on all kinds of things and when their decisions go bad. They do not seem to care and raise taxes. This have become so bad in Oshawa that people are afraid to walk downtown. The homeless issue has hit a fever pitch. It appears at times as that the city is out of control. Look at what is happening to the north of Oshawa. Development has raped prime farm land. Lands that should be preserved and wisely used. This is not leadership. Like the saying goes. “It is not that the plan failed. We just failed to plan”. Case in point in Oshawa. The homeless issue is so bad that we have people living on the street. The drug use is so rampant that the disposal of needles on our streets, parks and ravines have become a serious public health and safety issue. For these and many more issues. I decided to do my part. To step forward and make available my care my passion my love for this great city. I know one thing. I will never waste your tax dollar. I will never support frivolous projects and investments. I am one of you. I care about our city and I am going to work extra hard to make our ward one of the best in Oshawa. We have had the same representation for our ward for way to long. I appreciate the service that the incumbent councillor has extended to the ward. Now it is time to take that lead and make it that much better. To change the image of our ward. To bring developments that will increase property values while consider grandfathering property taxes to alleviate the pinch of property taxes on senior property owners. As your ‘newbie’. I am constantly learning and welcoming suggestions and ideas to better our ward. I may be ‘new’ but I am fully committed to bringing you service and attention that you deserve. I encourage you to contact me at any time. I want to hear from you.

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