Saturday, September 17, 2022


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret or Sorrow. Nothing irritates me more than an over opinionated, bias, ignorant clown. In case he has admirations to question the defenition of a clown: A clown is a person who wears a unique makeup-face and flamboyant costume, performing comedy and arts in a state of open-mindedness In this case Rick Kerr goes around wearing a unique makeup-face of pretending to be doing something positive for the ward he represents when in reality he has sat on his hands for the past four years. Wearing his flamboyant style costume of saying one thing while doing something else. Performing comedy and arts in a state of open mindeness while pretending to care when in reality he does not care about his ward as he lacks life experience. He has no real active business practice. How is he to relate to the merchants of the core? A downtown ward that has slowly detereorated to a point that people are living on our streets and dieying of overdose almost on a nightly basis. Kerr in my OPINION should not be in office. He had his chance and he failed the people of the core. The people of Oshawa significantly. He failed me as a downtown business owner. He did nothing to combat the homeless situation. The crime. The drug trade. He is so bound by creating a culture hub that he missed the boat on the real issues impacting the core. But he is not alone. His partner in crime. Derek Giberson both sat on their hands and failed the people of the core while collecting our tax dollars as wages. I called him the other day to ask him about an ad I had seen on a third rate magazine that only publishes 1,500 copies and has no real distribution. I was concerned over the fact that the publishers are using the Rotary good name as a commercial tool for profit. My call was out of concern.... as he is always broke and claims he does not self promote. At least not with his own money. In conversation I asked him why would he waste his limited money on a publication that has no readership or distribution. Then he disclosed.... that he did not support the and personally wanted to be alligned with some of the editorial content in this newspaper. So in other words if he personally is bias, prejudice towards a downtown business, a business that has served Oshawa and Durham region for over 27 years. He can practice the bias and prejudice. I then informed him that he is supposed to champion local businesses. I asked him if this is how he made decisions at city hall. If he has such poor judgement and practices such bias and prejudice. Is he fit to spend tax payers dollars? Further more. As a community leader you are not to judge but to assist all local business. Your job is to assure the well being of your community. Not to play judge and jury, pick and choose. Based on bias(prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another, usually in a way considered to be unfair.), prejudice(preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience wrongful opinion.) Opinion that he has no professional qualification to be passing. He basically decides on personal prejudice. This is why our city is broken. Let’s take it back in 2022 Let’s get rid of the circus these clowns have created out of our great City.

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