Saturday, July 27, 2024


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Well folks it is official. Another hole has been puncture in the SS DOWNTOWN OSHAWA in the hope the water will run out, and in some miraculous way save us from sinking further. Who is doing the thinking here? I get told this all the time. ‘Joe, why are you so negative all the time.’ I am not negative. I see a fire. I scream fire. I am not like the municipal elect and not care. This is my city.... our city. I can’t just sit back and not say anything. I can’t go around pretending that we doing economically great when we have fellow citizens using food banks, loosing homes, living on our streets. I am sorry. If that make me negative... then I am guilty as charge. All I know is I have a moral responsibility to serve my country, my community my family by making sure we all have a great quality of life. The City elect. Erect seniors homes in the core. Yet, they allow banks to run away from the core. The Royal Bank, Bank of Montreal and now Toronto Dominion. Where are these seniors living in the core going to bank? I don’t blame the Mayor of Oshawa, because in his defense I doubt he knows where the downtown core is. Carter is another Biden. Dan Biden is so out of touch with the City that we sit on GM lands of sort with all kinds of former GM auto related facilities.... And what does this incompetent do. NOTHING. Instead. Ford bringing truck production to Oakville in 2026, future unclear for EVs at the plant. Like really. Why has Oshawa been passed over? Why? Because we have no leadership and no vision. That EV plant should have landed in Oshawa. Now back to downtown... we have Giberson and Kerr. Two, so out of touch with the downtown core courncillors that keep missing one opportunity after another. An opportunity to keep the bank downtown core is essential to the local downtown businesses. It is essential to seniors and to any new residence. What has changed in the past 8 years downtown? The drug trade runs rampant. Guns may be purchased without much effort. Open drug use is at an all time high. Homeless rule the core. Where is Giberson? Talk about a waste of taxpayers money. The ideal brown nosed that rather attack local downtown businesses then to map out a logical plan to assist those in the core. Help them prosper and alleviate the problem he created by being chair of program that he supported out of the Back Door Mission, promoting free needles to drug addicts. This causing a huge problem for all downtown businesses. I have a message on behalf of all the downtown merchants. Please resign your post. Do the honorable thing as your lack of doing something about the poor condition of the core is making the rest of Oshawa look bad. Please do the right thing and resign. Thank You.

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