Saturday, July 27, 2024


By Lisa Robinson - Pickering City Councillor Rachel Mendleson's article in the Toronto Star, "Threats. Claims of insurrection. A council under siege," dated July 11, 2024, is a glaring example of biased journalism and sensationalism. This piece is nothing more than an opinionated narrative designed to provoke fear and manipulate public perception, rather than presenting a balanced and factual account of the events in Pickering. The Toronto Star has a well-documented history of twisting facts and taking statements out of context to enhance their sales through clickbait, and this article is no exception. Firstly, the article's portrayal of my supporters is one-sided and inflammatory. It labeled them as "alt-right activists" and implies that their actions are purely disruptive and without merit. However, what Mendleson fails to acknowledge is the legitimate concerns and grievances that these citizens have with the current council's policies. Dismissing them as "conspiracy theorists" and "freedom fighters" undermines their right to participate in the democratic process and express their views. The article also sensationalized the incidents at council meetings, portraying them as unprecedented chaos caused solely by me and my supporters. In reality, council meetings are public forums designed for robust debate and citizen engagement. The interruptions and heated exchanges described are not unique to Pickering; they occur in municipalities across the country where contentious issues are debated. The narrative that this is a new and dangerous phenomenon is misleading and exaggerated. Furthermore, the piece accuses me of inciting unrest and aligning with extreme groups without providing concrete evidence. It cites my position and opinions to Pride events and Black History Month as proof of alleged racism and homophobia, yet fails to present my perspective or the context of my statements. I repeatedly denied these accusations and emphasized my commitment to unity and equality for all. The article’s refusal to fairly represent my side of the story reveals a clear bias. Furthermore, her claims and indirect attempt to label me with popular derogatory names, only shows that she has not read the columns in question printed in this newspaper. As if she had read them and with her journalistic training would clearly realize her mistake. Then again, In my opinion this is nothing short of another attack by the Mayor, as he favor The Star over the only in press newspaper serving all of Pickering and Durham region. This kind of bias brings to question the city of Pickering tendering process as if the Mayor under the strong Mayors power clearly is flexing muscle with the Star, so that the Star can solidify any future advertising contracts from the City. The you scratch my back I scratch yours has to go. The Toronto Star's approach to this story also exemplifies their tendency to use clickbait tactics. As their hard copy sales are minimal at best. The Star is not a community newspaper but rather a National newspaper. Their market penetration is minimal and are highly dependent on online... Even though that online no one reads the STAR as per the circulating stats. The headline and subheadings are crafted to evoke a sense of crisis and urgency, drawing readers in with the promise of scandal and controversy. This tactic is designed to drive traffic and engagement, not to inform the public with balanced journalism. The Star is so desperate in gaining market share that they will allow to be influenced by the Mayor’s office and produce this kind of garbage. This is why, I support local businesses like the Central. A newspaper that unites the community by being accessible, affordable and true to what the taxpayers of Pickering are thinking. Bringing news from a local trusted news source operated by a reputable, time proven editor with over 30 years of integrity operating an internationally accredited news agency with office in the United States and Canada. Mendleson's article’s reliance on unnamed sources and anecdotal evidence further undermines its credibility. Claims of threats and insurrection are serious accusations that require substantial proof. By relying on vague statements and hearsay, the article fails to meet the standards of responsible journalism. This further bringing to surface much like the bankrupt Metroland. The Star will print anything in an attempt to solidify lucrative advertising contracts. We need to support local small businesses like the Central making a huge difference in our community. Rachel Mendleson's article is a prime example of the Toronto Star's pattern of gaslighting and manipulating the truth to fit their narrative. It prioritizes sensationalism over factual reporting and fails to provide a balanced perspective on the events in Pickering. Readers deserve better than this kind of biased and inflammatory journalism. It’s crucial to critically evaluate such articles and seek out multiple sources to form a well-rounded understanding of the issues at hand. This is why I will never contribute to the STAR as a columnist. I rather support our local City Newspaper. For all the unbias truth. Read my column on here every week. "Strength Does Not Lie In The Absence Of Fear, But In The Courage To Face It Head-On And Rise Above It"

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