Saturday, July 27, 2024


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As a Canadian it is your right, to hold your elected representatives accountable. Each and every elected representative, MP, MPP, Mayor and Councillor, has a responsibility to represent their constituents. Remember, they each depend on your vote to keep their job, a job you are paying them to do. As a constituent, as a voter, it is up to you to hold these elected representatives, in all levels of governments, accountable. Whether or not you voted for them doesn’t matter, when they won their seat they became accountable to you. Are you making your representatives accountable? Hmmm ….. How do I make my representative accountable you Ask? For one, don’t wait for the next election, that’s too late. Start now, take an interest. When it comes to what Federal or Provincial governments are doing or planning to do, the media quite often tells you what’s happening. Converse with your friends, neighbours & co-workers, you will hear other opinions and you may find that many feel the same way as you do Municipalities have Council meetings, you can attend or watch; agendas, minutes and past meetings are all posted online. Write your appropriate corresponding elected representative (federal, provincial or municipal), let them know if you are against an item they will be voting on, be brief and respectful. Remind them that how they vote during their four year term, will directly result in how and who you will vote for in the next election. NOTE: it is free to mail a letter to an MP; (name of MP) House of Commons, Ottawa K1A 0A6 You may need a stamp for an MPP. You can find your elected official’s contact information by asking the internet: “Find my MP” or “Find my MPP” click on ‘refine your search’ and enter your p/c. To find your councillor and mayor just enter your and then city council if you’re not sure what ward you are in, enter your postal code to get your councillor info. “THINGS WILL ONLY CHANGE WHEN WE, THE PEOPLE, START STANDING UP FOR OUR RIGHTS AND ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES REALIZE THEIR JOB AND PENSION IS IN JEOPARDY UPON RECEIVING HUNDREDS & THOUSANDS OF LETTERS FROM THEIR CONSTITUENTS” Are they representing you? The next Elections are scheduled: • Federal Election is expected by October 2025 • Ontario Provincial Election is expected by June 4,2026 or maybe even earlier • Ontario Municipal Election is expected October 26, 2026 If you are happy with the NDP backing the Liberals do nothing. However, if you feel that the NDP backing the Liberals failed Canada, then now is the time to let the NDP Leader know how you feel, no stamp is required required, be brief and respectfull mail to: Jagmeet Singh House of Commoms Ottwa, K1A 0A6 REMEMBER, THINGS REMAIN THE SAME BECAUSE WE DO NOTHING. YOUR SILENCE SOLVES NOTHING - SPEAK UP FOR YOUR RIGHTS THIS IS YOUR CANADA, YOUR PROVINCE, YOUR MUNICIPALITY, WRITE YOUR LETTERS EVERY TIME YOU QUESTION WHAT’S HAPPENING

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