Saturday, July 20, 2024

Can we have a respectful conversation please?

By Patricia Conlin Do you sometimes find yourself thinking differently than your spouse, sibling, neighbour or relative? Do you notice that views in general are becoming more and more entrenched as either right or wrong withlittle room for discussion? Do you feel increasingly nervous about saying something that goes against an obviously severely flawed narrative because you fear for the backlash from the toxic Cancel Culture? Maybe like me, you really desperately just want to say - CAN WE HAVE A RESPECTFUL CONVERSATION PLEASE? Well for the “crime” of thinking differently than Big Brother Government, you might be labeled as a “hater” according to the new Bill C-63 that was introduced in February, 2024 called the “Online Harms Act”. The Online Harms Act’s purpose is to create a baseline standard for online platforms to keep Canadians “safe” and to hold online platforms accountable for the content they host. If this Bill passes, if will give the government limitless authority to decide what online platforms and even citizens can say online under the guise of “keeping everyone safe” from harmful speech. It would give government funded groups the power to decide what is hateful and what is ok. Does that sound good to you? As a recent example, some Canadian Professors displayed appalling and obvious hateful speech when issuing Tweets on X suggesting it was too bad the bullet missed former President Trump in the weekend assassination attempt. In their minds, these comments were just fine. However, if a critically thinking person politely questions Covid policies, government policies, DEI or the harm of mass unsustainable immigration…they might be considered “hateful” under Bill C-63. Can you see the problem here? Not only is Bill C-63 not fair but it gives unlimited power to create more division and endorses actual hate! If a society has lost the ability to disagree respectfully with each other and is being actively punished for questioning an obviously corrupt and irresponsible government, then there is a bigger issue at stake. The foundation of a free and democratic society is free speech. Although we all want to protect our children from predators on-line, why is Bill C-63 penalizing regular people and alternative media and podcasters for speaking out against increasingly totalitarian policies? Benajamin Franklin, one of the fathers of the US confederation, wisely said” “Without freedom of thought, there can be no such thing as wisdom-and no such thing as public liberty without freedom of speech.” In his speech there were two important take aways. First, he highlights the importance of learning to think for oneself which he calls “freedom of thought”. This means being allowed to have a different point of view then the government or government funded organizations or even your neighbour or friend or relative. An example of this playing out today can be seen in the documentary called Climate: The Movie ( where high level scientists give evidence that opposes the narrative on Climate being pushed as the “Science is Settled” by governments and private companies that benefit from the Green agenda presented in Agenda 2030. These brave independent thinking scientists are just doing their job in questioning the science but currently being censored and defunded for speaking hard facts and providing a different point of view. Imagine what could happen to them if they were considered “hateful” by paid government shills saying they need to be charged according to Bill-C 63? This is why it is important to protect freedom of thought and expression. Second, Franklin speaks about “freedom of speech” which means that society needs to welcome open and diverse thoughts and debate. But is this happening now? During Covid, it was encouraged to report on a neighbour who was not complying with harsh and unconstitutional mandates and lockdowns. With the climate insanity, it is becoming apparent the official narrative is greatly flawed to say the least but harmful policies are still being pushed by every single town under the guise of a climate emergency. Most people recognize the fraud behind the carbon tax but few speak out because they are afraid. I recently presented a delegation to the City of Pickering and was interviewed by Rebel News about the harm of local policies ( I will continue to speak out and encourage you to do the same. Canada is a great country. Together, united we can ensure we allow freedom of thought, freedom of speech and respect for all. Let’s stand up together and say a loud and peaceful NO to Bill C-63. Courage is contagious and many are starting to speak out!

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