Saturday, July 13, 2024


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret or Sorrow. - ONE DAY AT A TIME - I can speak on this matter with great expertise, as I through this newspaper was one of two local companies that brought internet to Durham Region. I remember when we first introduced it to the market. There were no takers. This is way before ‘smart phones’, tablets and in many cases home computers. People use to laugh at the fact that one day we would all have computers in our homes. That we would all have phones that did not require wires. They laughed... Look at us now. The transformation has been significant to shift society, industry and government. Government from the onset of the internet kept looking for ways to tax it, control it and monopolize on it. Unfortunately for the government. They did not have the expertise, the technical know how of how or what to do. For The Central. It was a great time. A time of phenomenal growth even though we could not sell one internet hook up. What we did was smarter. We worked with Microsoft on their Beta software. Microsoft already had it in their scopes at the potential for the internet to become a huge market for their telecommunication side. As such we worked with them to develop some of the technologies today everyone uses. The Central was the first newspaper across the planet to be publishing online. THE VERY FIRST. The Central, through Durham City Central Radio ‘THE WAVE’. was the first commercial radio station to be broadcasting on line. YES THE VERY FIRST. Since those days, we have seen online transform. From the first browser. To the first chat. To the many competing platforms that offers convenience and easy use of the net. We also seen the rise in commercialization. This was the beginning to the end. As soon as the corporate pirates found a way to make a buck. It was game over for the average user. I blame in part GOOGLE for this. They lead, the way on e-commerce and the many other platforms that utilize sophisticated algorithms to control, monitor every user interface. Today, with the intro of FB and other social media. The internet has no value. As soon as you ‘x’ off what you are viewing... it is pretty much gone for ever, unless you know what you are doing. Most don’t. Then where is social media heading? Well, it is already there. It is dead. Look at the ‘likes’, reposts and or comments. Look at the quality of the comments. The number... Modern day internet has become nothing short of a public toilet. I see the future to be fully commercialized and taxed. Taxed because under the guise of of convenience and national security. The government will give itself the right to monitor, censor all content. You will have to pay for a service plus a subscription much like you do for tv. Are you ready to pay, pay, pay and get less, less, less?

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