Thursday, April 12, 2018

SAVE THE CAT HOUSE!!! by H. J. Rogers

    The Right Honorable J. Thomas Madden, lawyer extraordinaire in Moundsville and bon vivant in Wheeling (or is he--it's slipped my mind--a bon vivant in Moundsville and lawyer extraordinaire in Wheeling) said it couldn't be done.  "I know that you've done some wild stuff, Herbie Furbee,"
he said, "like you're almost the definition of 'off-the-wall'--nothing personal, of course, you know
what I mean, but there is no way not even you can get THE FABLED EARL OF ELKVIEW, a/k/a
GEORGE DAUGHERTY, ESQUIRE to drive from Charleston to Belington, Barbour County, West Virginia to put on his famed STAND UP FOR WEST VIRGINIA show to SAVE THE CAT HOUSE !!!
Never !!!  No way !!!  And I'll even bet the Madden family farm on it !!!"
"O! ye of little faith . . . "  It is a very simple project if one realizes that "what we have here . . ."
[Quick: In which one of Paul Newman's movies was this a tag line?] is a WEST VIRGINIA SYZYGY of three--an earthly trinity, as it were, of course--big hearted human beings, people who in their own way would make Mother Theresa look heartless.

    The first of this SYZYGY of secular saints is DEENA COBURN of Belington, Barbour County,
West Virginia.  (If you don't know where Belington is, don't ask because you can't get there from here.)

If there ever was a Sabat Mater in West Virginia it would be this woman.  Once whenI was at a certain Protestant theology school, I gave a sermon that took me to the Dean's office as an
accused heretic: "Sometimes, I think, we may make too much of the suffering of Jesus.

 Cast a glance at Mary, His Mother, look at her suffering.  She stood there for three hours watching her Baby Boy being tortured to death . . . . Now ask yourself what is worse: To suffer pain or watch someone you love with all your heart suffer pain.  You tell me, you preachers in embryo.  Q.E.D."
    Deena's Baby Boy, whom she birthed in Fairmont some 30 plus years ago, is currently under sentence of death in another state, a "far country" as it were from which the odds are great that he will only return to his sabat mater in a pine box or cheap urn.  Moreover, her Baby Boy is in solitary confinement and in a wheelchair.  [He needs a hip replacement which his captors refuse to provide for the very good and pragmatic reason that they intend to kill him."]   And he's been in this "far country" for five years now. 

    Now, dear reader, don't confuse things by asking what he did, what heinous crime does he stand convicted?  The first time I spoke with Deena on the telephone, the first words out her mouth were "And he's INNOCENT!"  Professor J. Livingston Hall of Harvard Law School and the former federal prosecutor for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts said "The trouble with being a prosecutor is that every defendant has a Mother."  Baby Boy may or may not "deserve" what he got but what does his weeping Mother deserve?  

 I don't know the whole story but Deena and her Baby Boy traveled around a lot together; South Carolina being one of their stops.  And they would collect stray cats, scads of them over the years that they were together.  But Deena doesn't pretend to be the Father Flanagan of the cat world.  "I need my cats more than they need me," she told me recently.

        When I first talked with her a month or so ago, she had 11 cats (some cats' lineage is is traced back to the days of her  vagabondage with her Baby Boy.)  A couple weeks back one of her cats dies and Deena left this message on my recorder: "The death of my cat has multiplied all the horrors of my life."   By the way, like her son, Deena too is in a wheelchair.

        Ever since she's lived in Belington, Dr. Ilene Lannie of Elkins has served as the Angel of Mercy for Deena's menagerie.

However, when the unpaid bill went over $1000, Deena was told by one of the staff that they
could no longer extend credit to her (probably because they had a human family to feed.) Deena rejected out of hand my advice which was to "stiff" the vet and go somewhere else.
Her morals are obviously higher that those of the Furbee Gang.

        It was when I was relating this sad tale of woe to THE EARL OF ELKVIEW, passing on the fact that one dead cat was pregnant (Deena told me that even after the body went stiff that she could feel the little kittens wiggling inside the stomach) and that Deena was going to take the body back to Fairmont for burial that Daughery broke in:


        In addition to being a great entertainer, George Daugherty was a great trial lawyer with
political connections and friends all over the State.  Since the death of A. James Manchin, in addition to continuing on  as THE EARL OF ELKVIEW, George Daugherty has served as the

        He put me on hold for a few minutes and then boomed into his speakerphone:  HERBIE

       As I suggested at the beginning, I think that there are three good people who will be hon- ored on April 22 and you should COME ON DOWN; but if you can't make it, do a check to Ilene Lannie, DVM, and send it to Deena Coburn, 25 S. Crim Avenue, Apt. B, Belington, West Virginia 26250.

  That money will be waiting on you in Heaven.  If you don't believe me, ask your priest, rabbi, preacher, imam, snake charmer, whatever.  Or Wheeling's Bill Hogan.  He told me once "You have to give it away to keep it" and Bill was a stock broker.  He knows $$$.

Domesticating Issue By Joe Ingino

Domesticating Issue
  There is no excuse for violence.  But there sure is reason. I ask this question in that an unrelated topic I happen to visit the Northern Regional Jail web page.   Out of interest I began to look at the inmates charges.  Much to my shock.  80% of those in there are due to domestic related issues.  From domestic battery to malicious assault.
You got to wonder what is going wrong in our society that there is such a large number of people committing these type of crimes.
Is this becoming our new social cancer?  Has our society failed to such a degree that we are committing these heinous crimes against member of family?
I started looking at case law.  I also talked to local police on the issue.   Much to my surprise the victims in many cases are the instigators.  The end result poor or no communication and violence erupts.
Violence in most cases stemming from substance abuse.  Others from rooted psychological imbalances.    A crime is a crime.  Yet, we can’t persecute without understanding circumstances.
Family law has been criticized for it’s harsh penalties towards perpetrators of domestic abuse and or violence.   But failed to take into consideration that in many cases there is a catalyst that causes the eruption of violence.
I think education is the key to combating this very serious social issue.  We must look at ways to teach our population on coping mechanism and family dynamics.  
In this modern age everyone has a right.  But fail to acknowledge that rights come with responsibilities and commitment.   This means that just because it is your right it does not necessarily mean that you must exercise it.
What does all this mean.  We need to invest in educating people on family dynamics.  On the importance of each members role and the responsibilities associated with each.   We must also teach appreciation and respect.  As without either violence is only a whisper away.
A police officer explained that in many cases they press charges and within a few hours the victim and perpetrator are back together as if nothing had happened.   This in my opinion is the reason behind the violence.  Even there is no excuse.  I think it merits reason.

Saturday, March 31, 2018

Stormy Bullshit By Joe Ingino

Stormy Bullshit

By Joe Ingino
 You have to wonder what would happen to CNN if there was no Trump?  What would they go making up?  Who would they go after?  Or have they become such a Republican bias news media that all they know to do is bash cops and the president.
In the latest saga.  It appears that Trumps sexual past should be something that in the eyes of CNN calls for impeachment of the President.   Like really?  So he banged a porn star... Like really in these days when a person like Bruce Jenner is deemed a fucking hero for cutting off his penis and deeming himself a woman....   We are going to go after the President for banging a cock cushion like Daniels.... and no my language is not harsh nor sexist.
No more sexist then when a man like Tiger Woods admits to having affairs... He is all of a sudden deemed a pervert and sex addict.... I guess that would make 99% of the population a sex addict.
Like really.  What are we becoming as a society that a man is deemed the weakest link.   If he exercises control over his family.  It is deemed abuse.  If he has an affair.  He is a sex addict.
In this most recent Presidential saga... Porn Star Stormy Daniels went public claiming that  she didn't go to cops after being threatened because she didn't want to "embarrass" her family.
She was a porn star.
What could possibly embarrass her family more than that??!
Then again... How often do women like that get work and or see a lump sum of $150,000?
She knew what she was into when she had sex with him... It is not like she was forced and I am sure she did it with the intent to put Trump’s name on her ‘sex trophy’ case.
If I had to bet. I would say that this has been Porn Star is back in the lime light only to exploit her affair and possibly make money and or be brought back into the porn scene.
What other reason could there be for Stormy to come out against the President?   The real question is would she had come out if Trump was not the President?
An even bigger question.   Could CNN be behind all this?  How is it that no one is investigating the motive behind Stormy coming out?  Investigations in the U.S. have become some what of a joke.  The FBI is spending more time chasing it’s tail attempting to make some sort of a case against Trump for allegations of associations during the election as if that is some sort of big breach of security.    In the same breath the FBI failed to investigate the 30,000 plus missing from the former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton.
Talk about a leak. Talk about a real threat to national security.   Hilary the person entrusted to keep us safe could not tell the difference between a government secured server and a personal one that just about any kid with a computer could hack into it.   I am sure the Russians and the Chinese had a field day with constant flow of sensitive information. 
Think about it for a moment....  Hilary actually admitted to 30,000 plus...  When anyone in government admits to something it is usually the tip of the iceberg.   God, knows how much sensitive and classified data was released.   I  bet my bottom dollar again that in part this is where WikiLeaks, Brian Chomsky got most of his classified leads from... then it is just a matter to keep hacking into others named in those documents to paint the pictures WikiLeaks has painted for the world to see.   You got to remember the intelligence community is not that intelligent as it is highly dependent on the population being stupid.   If the population becomes as intelligent as they are... then they no longer are deemed an intelligence community... and most of their techniques obsolete.   This is why most government oppress intellectuals.  The Trump, Stormy bullshit lingers as the CNN of the world keep misinforming the masses to keep us stupid.

Monday, March 26, 2018


While taking courses to become a Certified Nutritional Practitioner, I always found Ayurvedic food principles SO fascinating. Traditional eastern principles have an innate wisdom that really resonated with me, and their teachings are thought to be the world’s oldest healthcare system. I now use many of these principles in my practice with clients.

When it comes to improving digestion, the area of health I help clients with most, Ayurveda believes that people with weak digestion are thought to have weak digestive “fires”. As traditional Eastern medicine explains, food must be “burned” in the “fire” of digestion to be properly broken down. Cold and raw foods must be “heated up” as they dampen and weaken the fire of digestion. People with weak digestion usually do not do well with too many raw or cold food and drinks. By favouring cooked vegetables and fruits over raw produce, and incorporating hot soups and warm dishes, we will avoid cooling the already weak digestive “fire”.

Try this if you suffer from weak digestion. More cooked foods and warm beverages for the win! I also have amazing digestive healing guides, recipes, and meal plans at

Until next week, Stay well. 

Wrongly Accused

Wrongly Accused
I am in a difficult situation with my ex.
We broke up nine months ago but remained in touch, talking or texting, hanging out now and then, and becoming intimate a few times. I ended things to focus on myself and my health. After two years I realized I was still closed off from him. I was curious about others as he was only my second real relationship in my mid-20s.
It was a tough breakup because he considered me his first real love. We built a good friendship, so it was difficult to cut all contact. I also think I selfishly tried to keep the door open while potentially wanting something else.

My ex was reliable and kind. I simply had doubts I couldn’t move past. I thought ending it was the most fair option for both of us in an unfair situation.

Nine months after the breakup a friend of four years asked me out. I agreed. He told me of his feelings while I was still with my ex, but I chose to stay, so my friend never acted on his feelings. I will be honest and say it did affect me because I wondered what it would be like to be with him.
However I did love my ex and did not want to leave him under those circumstances, so I never pursued this other person and we remained platonic. Now my ex is upset, hurt and angry because he suspects something was going on with this other man when he and I were together.

My ex doesn't believe I ever loved or cared about him. Our relationship is basically invalidated in his eyes. I know I shouldn't care, but I can't help but feel guilty. I understand why my ex feels as he does. It feels like I am always the one hurting him, which is hard for me to face.

The idea of dating someone else, especially a longtime friend, is scary but I want to try. How can I let go of the guilt I feel for hurting someone else?

Margot, Voltaire said, “History is the lie commonly agreed upon.” Your ex is rewriting the history of your relationship, and he wants you to agree to the lie. His revisionist history proves your decision to end it was right.
You moved him from boyfriend to boy friend. You two were together in an attempt to find love. On your end, it failed. Your only mistake was having casual sex with him instead of making a clean break. That sent you into an iffy zone that has no future.

Now he is using that to rewrite the kind of person you are and to suggest you were doing what you were not. He’s telling you what he thinks of you: you are a cheat.

Someone who still loved you would not believe that of you. They may be sad, they may wonder where they went wrong, or they may wonder if it was just not to be. But they wouldn’t go to, “I’m going to tear her down.”
He’s trying to turn the tables on you, and he will succeed only if you feel guilty for breaking up with him. Leave him with his hate and vitriol and false history. When we are with the wrong one, of course we think of others. That’s the true history of your relationship.

Wrong is worse than none. Wrong isn’t wrong just because it is wrong. It is wrong because it also robs us of right.
Wayne & Tamara
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Tips to Enjoy Healthy Knitting

Tips to Enjoy Healthy Knitting
Many of us turn to knitting to pass the time and can be a great exercise for those with hand pain. However, knitting is a repetitive motion and can lead to a variety of injuries, much like typing, sewing and other repetitive tasks. Knitting can cause strain not only on the hands and wrists, but also on the neck and upper back due to the extended length of time knitters are looking down at their work in a sitting position. Knitting can also lead to carpal tunnel syndrome related to improper wrist positioning and grip technique in serious cases.
The Ontario Chiropractic Association has compiled a few tips and techniques to help knitters enjoy their hobby free of pain and discomfort:
    The single most important thing a knitter can do to prevent injury is take frequent, regular breaks. Change the position of your body and look up often from your work and into the distance.
    Sit in a chair with your feet on the floor and try not to hunch. Try to engage your abdomen when adjusting your posture.
    Stretch your fingers by clenching your hands and then spreading your fingers as far as you can. Stretch and strengthen your wrists with simple curls. Lay your forearm on a flat surface with your wrist at the edge. While holding a small hand weight, let your wrist fall over the edge and then lift the weight up towards you only bending your wrist. The rest of your arm should remain flat on the table.
    Switch it up! Learning to switch easily between English and Continental knitting styles will allow you to keep on stitching while reducing the risk of repetitive strain.
    Sit in a comfortable but supportive chair and consider placing a small cushion, rolled up towel or sweater between your chair and the curve in the small of your low back.
    The tools you use matter. Consider smooth, lightweight needles. Circular needles are best for large projects. When crocheting, use ergonomic hooks.
    Make small, efficient movements. Practice how small you can make your movements. Keep the working yarn close to the tip of the needles.
    Grasp your yarn gently. A consistently relaxed grip will help you keep a constant gauge while reducing unnecessary strain on your neck, shoulders and forearms.
    Hold your projects away from you. This will help you relax and avoid muscle and eye strain.
    Plan your knitting projects in advance and try to space them out over time.
Any pain or stiffness resulting from knitting should not be ignored. Knitting should be a fun, relaxing hobby. Make sure that knitting is contributing to your well-being and health, not more injuries. Visit a chiropractor near you if pain and discomfort continues.
For more information on health and safety please visit the Ontario Chiropractic Association web site at or call 1877-327-2273. Dr. George I. Traitses of Infinite Health practices traditional chiropractic, advanced nutrition and anti aging therapy and has been serving the Toronto and Markham communities since 1981. You can reach him at 416-499-5656 or
Dr. George Traitses, 416-499-5656

The Philippines Finance Oral Insulin Pill

The Philippines Finance Oral Insulin Pill
          A Spanish proverb states, “He loses all who loses the right moment.” I had a similar thought a few weeks ago when I wrote that, “a brain that’s full of knowledge has no room left to dream.”
Why these philosophical mutterings?  Because I was annoyed that Canada had lost a major medical opportunity. Now, the insulin mouth rinse that should have been a “Canadian First”, is a Philippine economic coup. It’s a loss for Canada. But the Philippines had the vision to see that an oral insulin product offers immense medical and financial benefits.
          I’ve told readers that Eastgate Biotech Corp, using nanotechnology, had developed an oral insulin pill to treat Type 2 diabetes. This is a monumental finding since it does away with needle injections. Moreover, it’s a discovery that had eluded researchers for years. Since I believed its immense value to mankind, I wanted to follow the progress of Eastgate and its product. I even bought shares in the company. 
          But Eastgate required about 10 million dollars to complete clinical trials demanded by Health Canada. Initially, I believed this would not be a major problem. After all, it was Sir Frederick Banting at the University of Toronto who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1923 for his discovery of insulin.
          So I assumed these funds would become quickly available. But it soon became apparent that, neither the University of Toronto, nor a pharmaceutical company, a wealthy entrepreneur, nor the Canadian government, was interested in supporting this historical and humanitarian finding. I believe this will prove to be an unfortunate error.

          Recently Eastgate announced it had opened an office in the Philippines. It had also formed an association with Bukidnon Pharmaceutical to finance, manufacture, and distribute an insulin mouth rinse in that country where there is an epidemic of Type 2 diabetes.
          What makes this particularly exciting is that Philippine government officials have been involved in these negotiations. It’s apparent they’re aware of the personal and societal cost of diabetes to their health care system. By managing blood sugar levels they can help to decrease the devastating and expensive complications of diabetes.
          I also suspect that the Philippines is just the starting point for distribution of the insulin mouth rinse to other Asian countries. And that eventually the oral product will be available in Canada and the U.S.

          It still boggles my mind that the Canadian government can spend hundreds of millions of dollars combating the opioid epidemic, but has zero funds for an oral insulin product. Canadians should take note that recently a Texas company bought Canada’s largest chain of methadone addiction clinics as they’ve become very profitable. Last year 44,432 people in Ontario, just one Canadian province, received methadone treatment paid for by you. I repeat 44,432!!!!!!

          But there is also an epidemic of Type 2 diabetes in North America. It’s alarming that one in 14 people have Type 2 diabetes, and for those over age 65 one in four have this disease. This means a new case of diabetes is diagnosed every 45 seconds. It also means that diabetes patients face greater risk of blindness, kidney failure and amputation of legs.

          Philippine authorities realize that these costly personal and societal disasters are less likely to happen when blood sugar levels are better controlled. And that patients will be more willing to monitor blood sugar using an oral product rather than needle injections. It’s a huge step in the right direction.
          History will show how unfortunate it was that no one in Canada could dream hard enough to ensure that clinical trials could be done in this country. The seizure of opportunity brings success.
          But the results of what is happening in the Philippines will soon spread to this part of the world as the treatment of Type 2 diabetes has become a worldwide problem. In fact, this epidemic should be labelled a “lifestyle disease” since 90 percent of those with Type 2 diabetes are obese.

          Type 2 diabetes is the classic example of The Gifford-Jones Law that says one medical problem leads to another and another.

And remember, I am not your doctor or financial adviser.
Online Comments

Life After Life By Joe Ingino

Life After Life
    Is there Life after Life?  Some may argue that their is.  Some may give you a very romantic interpretation of eternity in either some hot place or an eternal abliss.
When you think about it.  Either way.  It be Hell.  The key here is to define ‘HELL’ by dictionary definition: ‘a place regarded in various religions as a spiritual realm of evil and suffering, often traditionally depicted as a place of perpetual fire beneath the earth where the wicked are punished after death.’ by second definition: ‘used to express annoyance or surprise or for emphasis.’
In the first. One could say that living is being in hell as we live on a planet that is perpetuated by fire deep in it’s core where the wicked roam and most live life in constant struggle.  Some may go as far as life bumps and grinds are a direct cause of some sort of punishment redirected from life choices.   Our heavens are those things that make us happy.  The good times and the breaks we enjoy on the occasion.
In the latter definition one could say that hell could be all around us..and if so... then life is heaven and life is hell.
With this said.  Then is there life after life?  Some have argued that life is a continuum that becomes entangled and or trapped in time and space.  I guess this is what we deem to be reality.  Life in it’s dictionary meaning refers to: the condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death.’  Well if this stands true, then life is more of biological entity then it is spiritual and or transient of time and place.
Interesting as if this stands true then there can’t be life after life.... yet all the indicators state differently.  Take for example the fact that we can clearly define our inner world from our outer.  They both can be altered and or compromised by drugs, disease and or mental state.
Then if so.  This is a distortion of our ability to work within the confines of time and place.
What if we were to look at this paradigm from the perspective that our inner being and our outer being are two separate vehicles entrapped in time and place by the rules of biology.
Hum... if so then this gives creditability to the argument that once the biological part of the being becomes compromised and or deteriorates that the inner part either become part of the whole or is some how re-invested into another receptive biological entity.
Ok. Now we are stretching the limits of imagination.   As if the argument stand to be remotely true.  One would think then why would the energy come back into another receptive host?  More so. Why does the energy form keep repleading itself and how.   Now this for some could be an easy problem to solve as one could argue that once the energy leaves the biological source of nourishment.  It enters the main stream of celestial energy... an energy form that is constant and self generating.
Ha. I can hear you thinking... Energy you say... where or how was this energy ever started.  Great question.  One has to think of energy not as that of which lights up bulbs.  One has to think of energy as every around us.  We are not a source.  We do not have a point of origin as we are constantly generating.  Let me explain.  Look around you.  Your reality is heavily dependent on constant speed, temperature and perception.  If the world was to slow down 100miles per hour.  Our reality would be shifted.  If the earth shifted in it’s axel.  Our realities would become very distorted.  Now does this mean that everything in the cosmics would also change?  Is it that what we know about the cosmics is nothing more then the parameters our realities entraps in?
What if Mars was not million of miles away... but in reality in very close proximity.  Or for example... the chair you are now sitting on.  What if all of a sudden it vaporized and you slowly began to see things blend one into another?  Would that still be reality?  Would that still be life?
Well, biologically it would until the changes compromised the structural make up of your being.
Then life as a biological entity would stop and you would become part of the new parameters that would present themselves before you. 
So the question stands.  Is there life after life?
The answer is as obvious as your intellect will allow you to live life.

Geranium Homes

This week saw a very interesting Ontario Municipal Board pre hearing in the City of Pickering regarding Geranium Homes wanting to put a development in Claremont within the Greenbelt and in the Oak Ridges Moaraine.
Geranium Homes figure as they were tossing the idea of 26 homes around in around 1990 that they should get a "minor rounding" of in excess of 70 homes......not going to happen.

The Greenbelt and Oak Ridges Moraine cannot be changed by the Ontario Municipal Board and come October 30th when the next hearing is, I am sure the OMB will dismiss this case.
What has absolutely blown me away is that residents of Claremont that oppose the development  have been legally threatened, this is an absolute affront to democracy. No resident can have his/her rights taken away from them from a cease and desist letter.

The next Greenbelt review is in 9 years, Geranium can come back then, but many other developers that have good cases to come out of the Greenbelt that are not on the Oak Ridges Moraine are in a pecking order and waiting in line.

The developer is professing that the new homes will take care of drainage issues in Claremont. Let me be very use planning is not to be used to correct current engineering deficiencies, that's not how it works.
The residents of Claremont have my commitment that I will ask Regional Planning to oppose the Geranium Homes development if all goes well in October.

Till next week
John MuttonPresident and CEO
Municipal Solutions - Energy and Infrastructure

Saturday, March 17, 2018

''IT'S LIKE WE WON AT GETTYSBURG." H. J. Rogers Harvard Law School '66

 H. J. Rogers
Harvard Law School '66  

        This is what a school bus driver told me on Tuesday night at the old BAT AND PISTOL CLUB on the west end of Foundry Street in New Martinsville, near the place where Fishing Creek empties into the Ohio River.  I had gone there that evening to sort out my thoughts about what had happened that afternoon.  That morning when JESSE DALE KING, MR. LABOR FROM THE OLD SCHOOL, and I were heading out for our second tour of the picket lines I told him "Those bastards in Charleston are out to bust what is left of organized labor in the state.  I don't see a good end to this.  I think they'll still be out when the summer vacation starts."
        By the time we got out to Valley High School in Pine Grove it was early in the afternoon.  Jesse Dale made his usual offer to sell some "slightly used" ax handles, relics I presume of the labor battles of yesteryear.  Most of the pickets were chattering away but three or four men were glued to their cell phones.  One of them said to me with a slight smile "It's passed the House and on it's on the way to the Conference Committee."
        "What?", I said incredulously.  Those LITTLE BIG MOUTH REPUBLICANS HAD CAVED UNDER THE PRESSURE!!!  I couldn't believe it.  They didn't have the courage of their own convictions.  When the going got tough, they tucked their tales between their legs and run.  My feeling of elation at ''BEING IN THE ROOM WHERE IT HAPPENED'' [one of the songs in the mega-hit rap musical HAMILTON about the deal cut to move the CAPITAL south of the Mason-Dixon line] was undercut by disgust at all those smug northern panhandle Republicans tossing in the towel.  All those MINIATURE-TRUMPSTERS didn't have the courage of their own convictions.
        Let's start in the State Senate with MR. DRUNK DRIVER RYAN ''RATFACE'' FERNS.  As a matter transparency, I was charged with DUI in St. Clairsville in 1981.  However, I didn't cry-baby it in the press.  I didn't resign my office in panic [it took those overpaid and under worked zaftig daughters of Lesbos with the W.Va. State Bar 45 years to corner me] and then back out of this public pledge.  Ask Donald Speedy, former Curator of Antiquities at the Mound Museum what a "stand-up" guy RATFACE is.  "I was in the drunk tank with him until his Mother bailed him out.  He bawled like a baby all the time he was there.  He kept saying 'Now I'll never be Governor.  I've disappointed my father again.  I don't deserve to live.'  I've seen some punks," Speedy told me from the Pittsburgh monastery where he now resides, ''but Ferns was the whiniest, most sniveling punk in my lifetime."   Our hermaphroditic Governer called RATFACE a "poodle" during that brief period in his life when Justice was a registered Democrat and Ferns shut up for the rest of the session.
        Of course RATFACE FERNS is a "Profile in Courage" compared to THE BLIVIT FROM BROOKE COUNTY.  [For those readers unfamiliar with the Yiddishkeit of New York, the usual definition of "blivit" given to the goyim is "ten pounds of shit in a five pound bag".  But when I look at Delegate Ryan Weld, I see him through the eyes of my sainted Mother: "Ah, if only I could buy him for what he's worth and sell him for what he thinks he's worth, I'd be a millionaire many times over."  If I could do a sequel to Dante's "Purgatorio" for THE BLIVIT FROM BROOKE COUNTY, I would put him in an echo chamber and have Tate Blanchard read that limp-dick op-ed he did for The Intelligencer explaining in laborious detail why it was impossible to "find" the money to fund a pay raise for teachers.  "Besides", THE BLIVIT FROM BROOKE COUNTY said "if we give the teachers more than a 1% raise we'll have to give the other State employees a raise and that's a logical impossibility.  There's not enough money in the whole State to give all the our employees a raise."             
    As disgusting as Sen. Ferns and Delegate Weld are, the absolute nadir of REPUBLICAN, LEGISLATIVE MENDACITY is Wheeling's own Isle Koch Delegate Erikka Storch.  [For those of you whose memories do not stretch back to THE GOOD WAR, Ms. Koch was know as "the bitch of Buchenwald" and has hanged by the Allied Tribunal at Nuremberg.  However, hanging would be too good of the predations "that woman" [for extra credit, what recent President used this phrase?] that foisted upon the working men and women of West Virginia from her perch with the CHAMBER OF COMMERCE.  Holy Writ says "No one can serve two masters" and Erikka obeys this admonition by doing the bidding of the CHAMBER OF COMMERCE and ignoring the needs of the working men and women of Ohio County, her constitutents.  Hanging is too good for her.
            First of all, Ms. Storch meets Dr. Samuel Johnson's definition of a hypocrite: ''No one is more base than hypocrites because when they are most false they take pains to appear most true."  This NEO-NAZI appeared before a gathering of teachers at John Marshall High School, seized the microphone and cooed O! so sweetly: "I WANT TO GET MORE MONEY FOR YOU . . . . UNFORTUNATELY, I DON'T KNOW WHERE THIS MONEY IS COMING FROM."  O, the pure unadulterated hypocrisy of this statement.  It is obvious in retrospect that THIS UNHOLY TRINITY knew where the money could come from; they just didn't want to spring for it.
            Like all of their Republican peers in the Legislature, or nearly all, this UNHOLY TRINITY---''RATFACE'' FERNS; WELD, THE BLIVIT; und ERIKKA, THE NEO-NAZI ran on the Republican gospel of "no new taxes", right?  Yet when they got into head-to-head with a bunch of teachers and service people THEY PROVED THEMSELVES TO BE GUTLESS WONDERS UNABLE TO STICK BY THEIR OWN PRINCIPLES.
They should be tarred and feathered and run out of town on a rail.  And then strung up on the Suspension Bridge.
            The Republican giants of yesteryear---Chester Hubbard, George Seibert, Stuart Bloch, John Stirewalt, Robin Capehart, et al. were men of integrity who held to their principles.  They staked out a position and stuck by it come hell or high water.  I call upon THE REMNANT OF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY IN OHIO COUNTY, PATTY LEVENSON, PETER HOLLOWAY, AND WORTHY PAUL TO GROW SOME BALLS (metaphorically speaking, of course) AND PURGE THESE HYPOCRITES FROM THE REPUBLICAN PARTY.  I will volunteer to cast the first stone at each ONE of these gutless wonders.
            The upside of all this is the West Virginia stands a cubit higher in the outside world because of the verve, skill, and determination with which the teachers and support personnel drew a line in the sand and signaled a determination that wrought fear in the hearts of the phony-baloney Republicans who people the State Senate and House of Delegates.  I heard the story on the BBC "World Service" and the fact that our teachers, et al. "dreamed the impossible dream" and pulled it off with consummate political skill in two short weeks made me PROUD TO BE A WEST VIRGINIAN.
Remember the great slogans of the Industrial Workers of the World: "AN INJURY TO ONE IS AN INJURY TO ALL"  and
NEWS FLASH:  J. THOMAS MADDEN, THE PRIDE OF MOUNDSVILLE (with offices now in Wheeling) HAS LEFT FOR LAS VEGAS TO SEEK A PAID LIAISON WITH STORMY DANIELS.  "If successful," he told Dave Jividen, Esq., of Wheeling and his college roommate, "I will then have one thing in common with the President."  But I wonder if our Senatorial Super Stud might beat Tommy to the prize.  Stay tuned.  

Sessions' IG investigation is worthless

Sessions' IG investigation is worthless
By Larry Klayman
Larry Klayman agrees with Trump on 'disgraceful' action of attorney general
Freedom Watch Has Launched a Petition to Remove Jeff Sessions as Attorney General. Please Sign By Going to and Share Everywhere You Can!

After more than a year of doing nothing about the runaway so-called Russian "collusion" investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller and his leftist hack, pro-Obama/Clinton "Deep State" prosecutors, and looking the other way as mountains of evidence surfaced about more Clinton Foundation bribery schemes ranging from Uranium One to a host of others – and after sitting back and allowing the outlaws in the FBI and the intelligence agencies, the NSA and CIA, continue to illegally and unconstitutionally surveil not just Trump, his family and advisers but masses of Americans – Attorney General Jeff Sessions has finally found the "courage" to ask the Inspector General of the U.S. Department of Justice to investigate the Fusion GPS Christopher Steele Dossier caper.

This "bold" act caused President Trump to label his attorney general's actions as "disgraceful," and rightfully so. But more is needed than just words. It is time for Sessions, who has been roundly excoriated by anyone with any "sense of common sense," much less a desire for justice, to be fired. The president must stop listening to his "Three Stooge" lawyers, Ty Cobb, Jay Sekulow and John Dowd, all of whom counsel him to play it safe as the establishment creatures of the dark swamp of Washington, D.C., carry on.

In the words of Thomas Paine, these are the times that try men's souls. Of course, Paine was talking about the days leading up to our first American Revolution. And unless strong action is taken now to rid the nation of the evil creatures like Mueller, James Comey, Barack Obama, Bill and Hillary Clinton, John Brennan, James Clapper and other despicable and thoroughly lawless individuals who sliver about the streets and gutters of Washington, D.C., subverting our republic, the vision of our Founding Fathers put into practice on July 4, 1776, will be forever trashed. And then we will be in the midst of what is certain to be a second American revolution, as the citizenry is getting smarter and more reactive by the day. Just look at Freedom Watch's website at to read the comments posted to the petition to have me appointed special counsel to rid the nation of the vermin that now infests it.

But let's get back to why President Trump reacted to "news" that "Jeffrey boy" had asked his IG to investigate the phony warrant triggered to unconstitutionally wiretap and surveil Trump Tower, catching the now-commander in chief, his family and colleagues, such as Gen. Mike Flynn, in this web of insidious and illegal spying.
The Steele dossier, a pack of lies about Donald Trump if one ever saw one – paid for by the Wicked Witch of the Left (former presidential nominee Hillary Clinton) and her minions at the Democratic National Committee – was used by the corrupt former FBI Director James Comey and his fellow clowns as the pretext to conduct the illegal wiretaps. And who rubber-stamped this illegal spying? Hapless establishment judges on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, a bunch of "yes men and women," who, like the judges handpicked by King George III of the Court of King James, rubber-stamped everything this tyrant wanted when it came to persecuting the American colonies. The acts of these establishment corrupted judges, by allowing the unconstitutional wiretaps, ultimately contributed to the appointment of Robert Mueller to investigate alleged Russian collusion and the illegal indictments of Gen. Mike Flynn and others around the president.

By now belatedly dumping this scandal into the hen house of the IG – which is an arm of the DOJ, and which oversees misconduct by its own FBI – Sessions is circling the wagons "in house" to ultimately cover-up or downplay the gross prosecutorial abuse of the agencies he leads as attorney general. This is classic and textbook Washington, D.C., swamp reptilian sleight of hand.
In addition to Sessions fearing Mueller and his out-of-control special counsel investigation, by sending only one of the Clinton/Obama scandals to his IG, he is protecting his yellow flanks at the DOJ. That is because the underbelly of the DOJ, comprised of an overwhelming majority of Clinton and Obama supporters, and not just its lawyers but even more so its support staff, are hostile to the president and even Sessions himself.

Thus, if Sessions pushes too hard to hold FBI and DOJ officials, past or present, accountable for their criminal acts, this Clinton/Obama Deep State will retaliate and ultimately drown him into the murky swamp of our totally corrupt so-called justice system. As just one example, swamp poop about his as-yet-untold actions will start to fly out of other dossiers concerning his conduct as attorney general.

This is the way Washington, D.C., works. The bureaucracy protects itself no matter which political party one comes from. In effect, if you don't gore my ox, maybe I will not gore yours. And, so the money changers in the nation's equivalent of the "Temple of Doom" march on, to enrich everyone, no matter what their political persuasion.

This week on my radio show on Radio America (, "Special Prosecutor with Larry Klayman," I teach a lesson about this nonexistent system of justice where the DOJ, my once former alma mater, colludes with dishonest federal judges – most of whom were nominated by former presidents Clinton and Obama – to run interference for the elite criminals who got them their seat on the bench, and who can get them even higher appointments. (It is also no coincidence that the DOJ inspector general is Michael Horowitz, an Obama appointee.) You can hear this sad and frightening analysis at Once you do, it's easy to understand why the nation stands on the precipice of revolution, which I am trying to prevent.

If Attorney General Sessions were serious about getting justice, he would appoint me special counsel. Frankly, there's no one else who has the fortitude to bring the criminals to justice and help to restore our totally corrupt justice system. If you wish to support my appointment, go to

Time is short to save the nation from the tyranny that mounts with each passing day.

Stomping On The World By Joe Ingino

Stomping On The World
  They are calling him a dictator... all because he acts in the best interest of his country.  In the best interest of his people.  For too long nations like China have been raping our work force our economies and our economy.   It is time to turn the table around.
Men like Trump are far from few.  There is guy that is not taking one red tax payers cent for reenumeration.  Is under constant attack by the media.  Yet everything he seems to put his mind to do he gets it done.  Sure he may be arrogant, a little self centered... but think about it... He is human and if  you or I were put in his place would we not have the same qualities in our leadership... People need to stop the bashing and start appreciating change.  
Change has a price and in this modern time it appears that bitching is it.   Ok stop laughing.  You know what I mean...  It appears that we our civic conscious is the more we hate something the more we want it... The more it succeeds the more we look to dethrone it.
People let’s all take a deep breath and appreciate the moment.  A moment that is putting jobs back in America.  A moment that is putting China in it’s place.  Why should we bare the burden of job loss and a trade deficit in the Billions.   Nancy Reagan had it right with her boots... and they are made for walking all over you...  Go Trump Go.  Please liberate Canada from our political unic’s that serve as a servant in the Forbidden foreign cultural agendas.

Pack it light. Wear it right. (Handbags) By Dr. George Traitses

 Pack it light. Wear it right. (Handbags)
By Dr. George Traitses
D.C., B.Sc.(Hon.), M.Sc., C.H.N., C.N.M., A.C.R.B. 3, C.R.A.
Member of the Ontario Chiropractic Association
Some women carry the whole world in their handbag, but a heavy bag or purse can cause pain and injury to your back, neck and shoulders. Overstuffed bags also cause poor posture by encouraging the carrier to lean to one side.

The good news is pain and injury can be easily avoided by following a few simple tips.

Choosing a handbag
    Choose a handbag that is proportionate to your body size and no larger than what is needed. Your handbag should not weigh more than 10 per cent of your body weight.
    Choose a handbag that has several individual pockets, instead of one large compartment. This will help to distribute the weight of the contents more evenly and keep them from shifting.

Packing a handbag
    Change the size and weight of your wallet once in a while. You may also consider one wallet for your work and a different one for when you go out, as you may need different objects for both.
    Ensure the weight is evenly distributed in the purse by using all the pockets.

Carrying a handbag
    Use both hands to check the weight of the handbag.
    Instead of always carrying your handbag on the same shoulder, switch sides often so each shoulder gets a rest.
    Square your shoulders ­ many women have a habit of lifting the shoulder on which the purse is carried to keep the straps from slipping.

More tips
    Try to maintain good posture. When standing, your head, shoulders, hips and ankles should line-up, one comfortably above the other.
    If you can walk to lunch or a meeting, lock your purse in your desk or locker and carry only your cash and/or credit cards in a pocket.

By following these simple strategies, it’s easy to lighten your load.

All About Him

All About Him
I am a married man, 47, going into my sixth year of marriage. I am having a bit of trouble lately. For starters, the marriage has been strained, mostly due to some mistakes I made, but we are slowly working things out.

My main problem of late is depression and anxiety triggered by that situation and one other pressing issue. I have found myself developing a crush on my wife's best friend. I know this is an almost impossible situation, as she also is involved with someone and we are all good friends.

I find myself nervous when I am around her and when I am not around her. I am playing it cool and do not want to hurt my wife, or anyone else for that matter, but it is bothering me. I am trying to work through this in the hope it will pass or that my wife and I will rekindle and get back on track.

Travis, what does "mostly due to some mistakes I made" mean? Wayne & Tamara

I lied about financial issues and job related stuff. My wife and I are past that, but still not on the same page. She claims there is a big lump where her heart used to be. I believe this is what has led to my attraction to her friend.

While waiting for your reply, I confronted my wife's best friend with my feelings towards her. She was okay and very accepting towards it. I chose not to mention it to my wife until I feel it is appropriate to bring it up.
I am also going to therapy. Travis
Travis, in psychology there is a principle known as the maturity principle. The maturity principle says that adults tend to become more emotionally stable and responsible as they age. They also tend to become less neurotic and self-centered.

What’s the basis of your problems? You are trying to buck the maturity principle Chaos rains down on your life, and you act as if it is someone else’s fault. A young man might use his youth to excuse impulsive behavior. “I was 21 and married this stripper in Vegas. What was I thinking!”
But at 47, excuses wear thin.
You’d like to use anxiety and depression as a defense, but your problems can be explained by simple cause and effect. For most people, money and job issues equal safety. You lied about both to your wife. Now her heart is cold. Take credit for what you caused.

You thought intimate involvement with her best friend was a solution to your problems, and all you did was create one more problem: what if she tells my wife?

People aren’t dolls in a dollhouse or avatars on a computer screen for you to manipulate. You said you are in therapy. If that’s true, you cannot get the level of care you need until you link the way you feel with the acts you commit.

You have to face your self-centered nature. You can’t be with others, or connected to others, when all you think about is yourself. A truly selfish person can only be alone in the world.

Your past will be your future until you have a new outlook. Imagine this. I will be brutally honest about myself and my motivations. I won’t complicate the lives of others until I can act with the understanding a 47-year-old man should possess.
Embracing the maturity principle is the only way out of your problems.
Wayne & Tamara

Why eating 'clean' isn't enough for optimal health from Marissa Liana

Why eating 'clean' isn't enough for optimal health
Are you constantly eating the same foods over and over again? I see this a lot in the fitness community #mealprep #broccoliandrice #turkeyandquinoa #oatsandeggs Or simply not eating much of anything from the earth that is plant based? Although you may be eating healthy or 'clean' foods often, you’re still putting your health and immune system at risk. Here’s why:
The collection of bacteria living in and on our body is referred to as the 'microbiome’ and consists of about 100 trillion bacterial cells, the highest concentration of which is in your gut.
Having a wide diversity of these microbes is essential to protect our health and immune system. Different foods feed different microbes. Unfortunately, many of us have compromised microbiomes because we are eating the standard American diet that is high in sugar, refined carbohydrate grains, processed foods, artificial sweeteners and antibiotics, and low in a variety of fruits and veggies.
When our gut’s microbes are not flourishing, we extract fewer nutrients from our foods and, are more prone to being overweight because bacteria interact with hormones in our guts that regulate appetite, such as leptin and ghrelin.
What must you do? Eat more plant foods! Fruits and vegetables contain fibres and plant chemicals which feed your gut bacteria and help it grow which is why they’re crucial to a healthy gut, just as probiotics are, which feed the microbes in the gut.  Aim for a minimum of 8 different plant foods per day, the majority of which should come from vegetables and a portion coming from natural fruits.
In my Bikini Bod Beat The Bloat Ebook, I provide you with a 14-day digestive healing meal plan that supports your gut and helps to heal your digestion. Visit in the 'shop' section of my website for more info!
 Until next week, Stay well. 

Mediterranean Diet for a Long Life By W. Gifford-Jones M.D.

Mediterranean Diet for a Long Life
          Leonardo da Vinci once remarked, “Trifles make perfection and perfection is no trifle.” Trifles can make a huge difference in surgery, when building rockets, in nutrition, or in life generally. For instance, a report in the publication LifeExtension shows that a Mediterranean Diet prolongs life. As we all age, this is no trifle.

          For years doctors and nutritionists have known the Mediterranean Diet is a “Five Star” one. But no one knew why this diet had such remarkable benefits. Now, researchers have discovered its success is due to polyphenols (a plant based compound). They lower the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) by an amazing 60 percent! This means fewer heart attacks, strokes, hypertension and less inflammation.
          The author of the report, Michael Downey, says that most people fail to obtain sufficient polyphenols in their diet. Authorities agree that people should eat 10 servings of fruit and vegetables every day to reduce CVD risk. Unfortunately, for most people, it’s impossible to consume this amount of fiber, nuts, artichokes, lentils, grapes, pomegranates, olives, fish and wine each day.
          The Mediterranean Diet also affects the risk of dying. In 2016, at the European Society of Cardiology conference, a study showed that the number of those who followed the Mediterranean Diet were 37 percent less likely to die than those who ate a non-Mediterranean diet.
          One researcher made the sage remark that “the Mediterranean Diet provides more protection against heart disease than most of today’s prescription drugs!”  And this isn’t a trifle!
          Since so many North Americans suffer from hypertension, one study is of particular importance. After a year on two types of Mediterranean Diets, subjects   showed that blood pressure had declined. Equally important, researchers discovered that increased amounts of polyphenols and nitric oxide were being excreted by the kidneys.
          Nitric oxide (NO) is nature’s natural arterial relaxant. I’ve previously reported that, as we age, less NO is produced by our bodies, causing constriction of arteries, hypertension and erectile dysfunction. Neo40, a natural remedy, is a pill that produces NO and is available in Health Food Stores (HFS). Due to my age I’ve been using this product daily for several years.
          In view of the increasing prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease another finding is significant. Those who were consistent in following the Mediterranean Diet had less age-related brain shrinkage,
          Since it’s a challenge for most people to consume sufficient polyphenols, extracts such as grapeseed, pomegranate, walnut, pecan and artichoke are also available in Health Food Stores.  I love blueberries and was pleased to read that numerous studies show blueberries supply the brain with increased amounts of oxygenated blood. British researchers studied the effect of blueberry concentrate on brain function for 12 weeks on a group of people with an average age of 68.
          What made this experiment unique was that researchers analyzed brain function with a powerful MRI scanner while subjects were being asked questions. This revealed that blueberries produced a significant increase in brain activity.
          Later, the use of blueberry concentrate on a group of children 7 to 10 years of age showed another amazing finding. They were given a battery of tests over a period of several hours. Significant improvements in memory were seen as quickly as 1.25 hours after using blueberry concentrate.  Some authorities have labelled blueberries as the number one antioxidant. This means that blueberries destroy what’s known as free radicals, the waste products of metabolism, which are associated with an aging brain, cancer, and heart disease.                                                                                                                                                                
          So the Mediterranean Diet is a prudent way to fight these major problems as it contains a variety of fruits, vegetables, fish, grapes, nuts, fiber, and tomatoes loaded with lycopenes which may help to prevent prostate cancer. A variety of healthy polyphenol extracts are all available in Health Food Stores.  I’ll add more blueberries to my diet. I’ll also continue taking Neo40 and    several thousand milligrams of vitamin C powder daily, which carries more oxygenated blood to the brain. Why? Because during the past year no reader has been able to inform me of anyone who has developed Alzheimer’s disease while taking 4000 to 6,000 mg of vitamin C daily for several years. This is a very interesting finding.


 By Joe Ingino b.a.

    OK.  Come on be honest... Put your hands up... How many of you are victims of the recent GOOGLE scam that is going around.   I know you may be to embarrassed to admit.  But if you are a victim.  Don’t feel bad you are not alone.  These high tech crooks have taken thousand of people.   There are two GOOGLE scams going on... and by the way.  GOOGLE has nothing to do with it.   These Optimizing companies from the U.S. are using robo-calls to entice fear into small to medium business.  Business owners that have little or no knowledge of the internet, social media or how GOOGLE operates.
These crooks play on the ignorance of their victims and attack their insecurities.  Most of those that have fallen victim have no advertising budget or are on a very limited one.   The victims have no real understanding of advertising and marketing and are reaching for straws, so they think that turning to the internet is the answer.   After all $395 for a whole year sound like a deal.   Like they say.  If it is to good to be true... It probably not true.
The GOOGLE fraudsters use 1.  A call to assure your GOOGLE listing does not get cancelled but for a one time fee they can prevent this from ever happening again.  2. They call you to inform you that you can now have your business name for a fee on the front page of GOOGLE.   Both are lies and a con for the computer/internet ignorant.   Both are scheme to sucker in suckers.  It works.  In the U.S. this practice is against the law.   So, these robo-call telemarketers turn to Canada, Mexico, Europe. 
This scam has been around since 2011 and there is no law in Canada that can protect victims. Since the fraud is taking place from the United States.  This crime becomes and international incident.  No local police will touch it.   No jurisdictional power can be exercised as the states that these fraud originate from operate as an island to the world when it comes to legal challenges.  What does this mean to the victim.  YOU BEEN SCAMMED.
But these are not the only scams going around.   There is the call that informs you that your company now is eligible for a loan up to two hundred thousand dollars, no credit checks, all they need is your company financials for the past two years and your banking information.  This scam originates out of New York.   This scam promises to do a free business analysis to see  how much you qualify for... ‘when they called they had told you automatically qualify’...
In both cases, these scams not only attempt to take your money.  Most importantly they gather your business and at times personal information.  Information that is sold to other telemarketers.   The information sale industry is worth billions.   This is how telemarketers obtain calling lists.
I talk to many people on any given day.  I can tell you first hand that many pretend to know the internet.  Others know somethings about the net.  But far from few actually understand the logistics, the purpose and most importantly how to use the internet as a marketing tool.
The internet was set forth as FREE WARE.  It was to be a place to exchange intellectual though and information.  Search engines and there are many are there to inform and exchange information quickly and easily.  It is in their best interest to keep the information fresh and accurate.
Marketers see the internet as a place to legally rape and pillage as basic human decency was supposed to be the governing entity.
Like everything in humanity.   The internet has become compromised by greed.  By  thieves and crooks.  Something that was set up for the good of humanity has now become nothing more than a public toilet.
From the Amazon’s of the world to the many porn chats and sites.  The system has been broken.  The internet today has become a place  that disturbs commerce, industry and trade.  It compromises relationships and changes human behavior as psychological reprecussion for it’s use are becoming more rampant.
From addiction to its many offering to the exposure of sensitive and immoral material to the population at large.
Not to mention the outmost popular ‘FAKE NEWS’.   The internet with the introduction of social media.  A system again that was set forth to unite people, family.   Today it is being used to attack one another, dethrone and or influence governments.
What is it about humanity that we set forth with good intention great plans and systems but some how they become corrupt and used to harm one another.
Case in point.  Google Plus scam and related consequences to our society.
Sad world we live in when we are our own worst enemy.
Mark Twain had it right.  ‘The more I learn about people, the more I like my dog’

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Pregnancy and Your Back By Dr. George Traitses

By Dr. George Traitses
D.C., B.Sc.(Hon.), M.Sc., C.H.N., C.N.M., A.C.R.B. 3, C.R.A.
Member of the Ontario Chiropractic Association
Pregnancy and Your Back
Did you know that at least 50 per cent of pregnant women experience back pain? And 10 per cent of those report discomfort severe enough to disrupt their daily routines. The good news is that there are steps you can take to baby your back during pregnancy.
What causes pregnancy-related back pain in the first place?
The average healthy weight gain is more than 30 pounds. This extra weight places considerable stress on the back, feet, ankles and knees. As your baby grows, the core abdominal muscles become stretched, and cannot stabilize your posture as well as they did before.
In the third trimester, levels of a hormone called “relaxin” increase ten times. This also contributes to back pain. Relaxin loosens your joints to allow the pelvis to accommodate the enlarging uterus. These loose joints force the muscles of the back and pelvis to work overtime to keep you upright and balanced.
Try these tips to help minimize your risk of back pain.
    Exercise can help increase muscle support for your aching back. Always consult a health care practitioner before participating in a new exercise regimen. Low impact cardiovascular activities, such as swimming, walking, or stationary cycling can help relieve pain and maintain fitness.
    Sleep on your left side to reduce the pressure of the uterus on the large blood vessels in the abdomen, and optimize blood flow to both mother and baby.
    Place a pillow between your knees to take pressure off your lower back when sleeping on your side.
    Take frequent, short breaks with your feet elevated.
    Remember, adequate rest restores your energy and gives your back a chance to relax.
    Wear flat, supportive shoes and use a lumbar support pillow in your chair at home or work. If you sit at a computer or desk, take frequent breaks and walk around for a few minutes each hour.
    Don’t be afraid to ask for help, especially when lifting heavy objects, including other toddlers and children.
Studies Show
Numerous studies show that back pain can be reduced by manual therapies during pregnancy. In a study of 170 Canadian women those who received chiropractic care reported less pain both during pregnancy and during labour.
A maternity chiropractor can provide safe, effective, and drug-free conservative care to relieve pain, by decreasing pressure on the joints, muscles and nerves of the spine and pelvis.
For more information on health and safety please visit the Ontario Chiropractic Association web site at or call 1877-327-2273. Dr. George I. Traitses of Infinite Health practices traditional chiropractic, advanced nutrition and anti aging therapy and has been serving the Toronto and Markham communities since 1981. You can reach him at 416-499-5656 or         Dr. George Traitses, 416-499-5656

Strange Brew from Wayne & Tamara

from Wayne & Tamara
Strange Brew
  I am a 34-year-old straight woman in an open marriage with a 39-year-old straight man. I have taken far more advantage of the openness of our marriage than my husband, at least until recently, and I have had a string of long-term affairs and short-term flings.

During the past eight months I have basically been living with another man in a neighboring town. I am drawn to men who are starkly different than my husband, who is an intellectual, moderate in his vices, with disdain for men who spend every evening in a pub.
I have a drinking problem, but it is not a problem I feel any need to resolve. I am drawn to men who, like me, are also drinkers. I can have a glass of wine in the morning, drink until I pass out in the afternoon, and wake up when my lover comes home. Then go to the pub with him and start drinking again.
My husband can’t tolerate that behavior.
This past Sunday my lover and I went to a country pub. I glanced in the dining room and saw my husband with a beautiful older woman, but not just any woman, it was my mother. From the way they looked at each other and were touching, I could tell they were quite obviously in love.
My mother is 54, breathtakingly beautiful and, unlike me, hasn’t let her body go. My husband, who is handsome and fit, looked happier than I had ever seen him. I went to the toilet and threw up. Then I dragged my lover out of the pub, went straight to the off-licence, bought a liter of vodka, and drank at his house until I passed out.

I feel betrayed by my mother and my husband. There has always been something lurking beneath the surface with them. I guess she made her move and he couldn’t resist, or maybe it was the other way around.

Knowing I can’t go back to my life as it once was makes me miss it so much. My mother is the one having long talks with my husband at night, going to a nice restaurant with him or the theatre, and I am at a grubby pub every night with my alcoholic lover.
I started stalking them, sitting in the car down the street from our house, drinking vodka from the bottle, and watching them come out hand in hand to play tennis in the courts down the street or go out to dinner.

I have sneaked in the house and gone up to what used to be our bedroom and found my mother has moved her clothes into the wardrobe and taken out what I had left. I even saw a tube of lube on the bedside table.
Seeing that made me hate her more than you can believe. My husband would be disgusted with the way I have let myself go, but he’s happily enjoying my mother’s perfect body.

I haven’t confronted either of them yet. I would love to put an end to their happy little relationship. It is sick that my mother stole her daughter’s husband, and I despise her for that. I can forgive my husband, but I could never forgive her and can’t tolerate the fact that they are together.

Eleanor, your long letter deserves a full response, which we will publish next week.
Wayne & Tamara
Send letters to:

Improve digestion with these simple life hacks. By Marissa

Improve digestion with these simple life hacks.

Experiencing digestive difficulties despite eliminating an abundance of foods, undergoing a cleanse, taking digestive enzymes, or adding a probiotic? Some people may not realize how much stress can actually impact our digestion. Especially for those who have an irritable bowel.

It is firstly important to distinguish stressors. Stress does not only consider mental and emotional stress. Stress can come in the form of physical, environmental (think pollutants and chemicals), emotional, and even dietary stress as food intolerances generate excess inflammation in the body, which puts added stress on our systems. If you are the type of person who has a stressful living environment with our spouse or family members, is always eating on the go, rushing meals at work, or including stress from medications and drugs, you are more likely to experience irritable bowel and digestive issues. Instead of being in the state of "rest and digest" during meal time, your body is in a state of fight or flight. These conditions affect the enteric nervous system, which connects our digestive system to our central nervous system (our spinal cord and brain).
Depending on the severity of this stress, our digestion can actually completely shut down, or produce symptoms of irritable bowel and diarrhea to prepare our body for the perceived battleground at hand.
As a Holistic Nutritionist, and a digestive healing guru, I think it is important to share ideas on how to reduce stress with my clients in order to improve their lives and ultimately their digestion. Some of my favourite ways include:
1) Make sure you set time aside for yourself to eat in a stress-free environment. I know many people, including myself, can be guilty of being so busy that we quickly wolf down a meal or snack on the go. Do not multi-task while eating and thoroughly chew each bite.
2) Practice mindful eating. This includes things like listening to your body and hunger signals when you're full or hungry, consider the quality of your foods and where they're coming from as opposed to "comfort eating", and adopting an eating schedule as opposed to eating at random times and places each day.
3) Include adaptogenic herbs like Ashwagandha and Maca into your diet or supplement routine to boost energy naturally and help your body cope with stress without relying on caffeine. This will help to take the load off the nervous system and aid symptoms of irritable bowel.
For more digestive tips and wellness, check out my website!.
 Until next week, Stay well. 

Insomnia; It’s Shortening Your Life By W. Gifford-Jones M.D.

By W. Gifford-Jones M.D.
Insomnia; It’s Shortening Your Life
          F. Scott Fitzgerald, the author, once remarked, “The worst thing in the world is try to sleep and not to.” I’m sure many readers share Fitzgerald’s problem. But suppose this common trouble kills you? That’s when it’s worthwhile to find out more about insomnia, and why some people suffer from TAT (Tired all the Time).
          Professor Matthew Walker is founder of the University of California Berkeley’s Center for Human Sleep Science. He’s also author of the book, “Why We Sleep.” Walker says, “The silent sleep loss epidemic is one of the greatest public health challenges we face in the 21st century.”
          Right now, if you become drowsy while driving, his figures should awaken you. Walker says that one person dies every hour in the U.S. due to fatigue-related mistakes. For instance, this week over 2 million people in the U.S will fall asleep while driving! This translates into 1.2 million accidents caused by drowsiness every year in the U.S. Could driverless cars cause so many accidents?
          On first thought one would expect professional drivers to have a better track record. But Walker says truck drivers are more hazardous because 80 percent are overweight and 50 percent clinically obese, increasing the risk of sleep apnea.
          The result can be catastrophic. Long distance truck drivers have a 200 to 500 percent greater risk of accident. And when a driver is killed, he or she takes 4.5 other people with them!

          Currently, there are more than 20 sleep studies that have been following patients for several decades. For those who suffer from insomnia one single relationship is notable and disturbing, namely, the “shorter your sleep, the shorter your life!”
          But being short on sleep is the cause of more than traffic accidents and death. Professor Walker also shows evidence it’s related to heart attack, obesity, diabetes, cancer and dementia.
          Walker reports that in the spring when we lose one hour of sleep due to Daylight Savings Time, there’s a 24 percent increase in heart attacks. Then in the fall when we gain one hour, the reverse, a 21 percent decrease in coronary attacks.
          He reports that even our body’s waste-removal system ramps up activity during sleep. This helps to remove plaque from coronary arteries, with less chance of heart attack. Sleep also decreases amyloid-beta waste products in the brain decreasing risk of Alzheimer’s disease.                     Equally alarming is the fact that Walker’s research could not find a single psychiatric condition is which the subject’s sleep was normal!
          But how could insomnia affect whether or not one develops cancer? Walker claims that following one night of just four hours sleep, our natural killer cells that attack cancer cells decrease by 75 percent. Due to this loss of killer cells researchers have linked numerous types of cancer such as bowel, breast and prostate malignancies to insomnia.
          To drive home the importance of sleep, and possible development of cancer, Walker notes that since 2007 The World Health Association has labelled shift work as “a probable human carcinogen.” Moreover, if you are fighting a battle against cancer, sleep deprivation may cause malignancy to grow more quickly and be more aggressive.
          What did not surprise me is that insomnia and drug addiction go hand in hand. Unfortunately, the Walker studies show that children who are chronic poor sleepers are at increased risk of alcohol and drug abuse in their adolescent years. Insomnia has also been associated with bullying.
          So how can you improve your sleep so you’re not tired all the time? Go to bed and get up at the same time even if it’s been a bad night. Keep the room temperature at about 65 degrees (18 celsius) and wear socks if your feet are cold. One hour before bedtime turn off the TV, dim lights and use blackout curtains. Avoid caffeine after one p.m. and don’t go to bed tipsy. Alcohol is sedation, but it is not sleep.
          Still cannot sleep? Then get up and do something quiet and relaxing until you have an urge to sleep.
          But what says Walker if his students snooze during his lectures? He says he’s flattered! He knows sleep helps fact-based learning and memory.
Online Comments

To PC OR NOT PC? By John Mutton

By John Mutton      
As I write my column this week, I sit here watching the PC leadership convention with great interest in who will be taking on Kathleen Wynne and the Provincial Liberals.
The best choice for Durham Region will be Christine Elliott by far. While Christine may not live in Durham anymore, this is her home, her roots and where she has built a legacy.
While I like Doug Ford, I am hoping Doug runs for Mayor of the City of Toronto. Someone needs to get that runaway train under control and with Doug's personality and no fear approach, he is the guy to put the issues forward in a Mayoral election.
Caroline Mulroney, all I can say is now is not the time for on the job training. She must make her mark as an MPP prior to running the party. Justin Trudeau was an MP well before he ran for leader.
Wynne is not popular at all, the Liberal Party with a different leader would be a stronger party, however this is going to be a tough provincial election in June. I can't pick a winner yet given all of the PC civil war and the issues of trust around Vic Fedelli and others.
As a candidate based voter, what will happen in June is too close to call. If you enjoy politics, you are watching one of the best shows ever counting down to June.

Till next week