Saturday, March 13, 2021


By Joe Ingino

“I live a dream in a nightmare world”
   In this modern age of technology.   It appears that we must question every motive.    After all for the longest of time the old rule of thumb in controlling the masses by governments was to keep them misinformed.    Misinformation creates opinion.  Opinions have polar positions.  Positions that divide intellectual rational thought.   Compromising reason and logic.
I remember vacationing in   Cuba.  I rented a car and decided to head out for a personal excursion.   I stopped at the local gas station and asked for a map.  The attendant looked at me and asked.  Do you want a Cuban map for a dollar or a real map for twenty.   I quickly asked what do you mean a Cuban map.   He said. Cuban maps were made in Russia.   They are only to be sold to Cubans as intentionally all the points of reference are way off.   The real maps imported from Europe have the accurate distances between towns and cities but cost more as most of the locals can’t afford twenty bucks.
I quickly asked, what the purpose of such misinformation.   The attendant looked at me with a grin and said.  Castro along with the Russians like to keep a tab on all citizens.   Gas is rationed.   Miscalculation of gas consumption would tell the officials that you were up to no good.   
I could not believe my ears.
Then in the back of my mind my ignorant North American pride kicked in and whispered, ‘THANK GOD I LIVE IN A FREE AND DEMOCRATIC WORLD’.  Where we do not have to be monitored.
Then it hit me like a ton of bricks....  Come on Joe.  You live a dream in a nightmare world.   Don’t be fooled and don’t fall for the old social misconception as you are no better off than those Russian/Cuban maps. To think we have choice?   We do not have choice.  We have options. The government today has more control of our every interaction then they ever did.   Look at this AMBER ALERT fiasco.... really some kid gets taken (normally by a parent) thousands of miles away from me and I get an Amber Alert.  The most recent was a seven year old girl in Bayfield ON.
Ontario Provincial Police have cancelled an Amber Alert for a seven-year-old girl who was last seen in Bayfield, Ont., just south of Goderich on the shore of Lake Huron, after she was found safe.
In the initial alert, police said the girl was missing since approximately 6 a.m. on Wednesday.
The OPP issued the provincewide alert just after 10:45 a.m. and less than 40 minutes later the seven-year-old was reported to have been found safe. Officers alleged the girl was abducted by a woman. It’s not clear what, if any, charges might be laid in connection with the incident.
Like really... I need to be alerted about this?  What is the real exercise here?   Was there ever a seven year old involved?   I remember before COVID-19.   I received numerous AMBER ALERTS.   On all matters, including a false emergency notice on Pickering Nuclear.   Since then and since COVID.  The Amber alerts had stopped.   Now the vaccine is introduced to the masses with little or no real consequence as a result of being vaccinated..yet the government is pushing to have everyone vaccinated.... and I we start getting AMBER ALERTS.   Does the government know something we don’t?  Could we assume there is another threat in the horizon that we are being kept in the shadows as to such time as it explodes in our face as Covid did?
Can we assume that these AMBER ALERTS are a kind of sound check on social response?

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