Saturday, March 20, 2021


By Joe Ingino

“I live a dream in a nightmare world”
   To vaccinate or to not vaccinate.  On the surface it sounds like it is the only choice.  After all, vaccines have resolved many viral related encounters.   It makes rational sense.
If we learn anything from history is not to repeat it.   To look for signs and markers that may allow us to make the right choices in future events.
  During both world wars we learned very costly lessons on human nature, society and humanity.  In my opinion one of the fundamental lessons was to question authority and to educate yourself to the best of your ability in order to act and react in accordance to the daily hysteria.
   Since this viral attack on the world by China.   All nations are suffering from the same never ending spiral for answers and a cure.   As such most nations of the world have lost their ability to rationalize and bring perspective against this horrible crime against humanity.
If it has been an oil spill.  Someone would have been responsible.   This viral leak from China.  Intentional or other has caused great human loss across the planet.  In our rush to find a cure/vaccine.   We have all become infected by a foreign enemy that a year ago was in a lab in China.
Now don’t get me wrong.  I am not blaming the Chinese people. That would be wrong.  I blame the Communist Chinese regime.  A regime that has been bent over backward for the last thousand years to have world dominance.  Their focus is so intense that they even despise their own communist comrades from Russia.
  In my opinion this leak from the lab in China was a sublime covert operation in an attempt to finally dominate the world.   Let’s look at the events prior to this in China.   Pre-Covid, China was experiencing some of the worst PRO-DEMOCRACY demonstrations ever.   China was under attack from within.  The Chinese government in many cases had lost control of entire cities.  They could not send in the troops as it would create an international public relations nightmare.   
The Chinese government in my opinion released this virus to put an end to the uprise and send a message to the world.
Today, China’s economy is booming again.  They are producing vaccines and supplying primarily South America, Africa and some parts of Europe.... Same places that the variant appears.    Coincidence?  Or another tactical movement in lieu that the west was beginning to gain ground in developing vaccines that have not been tested.   Vaccines that compromise the integrity of the human DNA.  What guarantee do we have from our governments that this vaccine will not prevent future generations from reproducing?   I can see the importance of mass vaccination.  I also see the importance of preventing extinction.   A virus that attacks the weak. A virus that goes after the elderly.   That does not sound more and more like genocide?
During WWII the NAZI did they not employ similar tactics as Jews would enter their death camps?  Women, the elderly, children anyone sick would get instantly killed.  While the healthy would work until death.  What is to say that the Chinese government in it’s silent quest to global domination, it is not happening again?   We the people are running around dealing with a foreign agent that was bombarded upon us from a foreign land.  I support a vaccine as long as the vaccine does not end up being used as a weapon to our own destruction.  Civilizations have come and gone.  Are we next?

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