Monday, March 1, 2021


By Joe Ingino

“I live a dream in a nightmare world”
      Not to take political sides in the recent American Presidential election results.   This is just me living my dream in a truly nightmare world.  I say this because it appears that since Joe Biden took office the gas prices at least here in Canada have jumped forty cents.
   The Central has another newspaper in the State of West Virginia and ever since Biden took office.   The oil and fracking that was doing so well has come to a halt.   With this the loss of jobs has gone through the roof.  To ad insult to injury.   The  Keystone XL pipe line was halted.   Canadian jobs lost not to mention the hit the U.S. steel producers took in the loss of much needed revenue in the production of the pipes that Trump has promised to use U.S. made steel.
   Now, I am not blaming Biden for killing industries as he has just started and appears to be a YO-YO in a China shop.  
No matter what he touches it appears to cost someone something.  In the U.S. the gas prices will soon see four to six dollars a gallon.  In Canada I see it by the summer to go up to three to four dollars.
   Remember during the Obama era.    All the auto makers cried bankruptcy.  All major corporation screamed ‘FIRE’.    Obama in the name of job preservation gave away billions.   Only to find that most of these corporation kept skeleton operation and used most of that money to open plants in foreign lands...
   Since Trump took office the government funding to industry stopped. He managed to turn the tables on major corporations and instead of working against them.  He worked with them in turn these corporations creating jobs.
   In the oil spectrum.  He turned the tables on the middle east and forced the Arabs to drink their own oil.  Causing barrel prices to drop to a historical low.   Trump did this by promoting and using the national reserves within the United States and purchase national reserves at a fraction of what  other administrations would buy for.
   In part this is why we all in North America enjoyed the lowest rates for gas in a long time.
   I am not just waiting to see how the economy comes crushing and the democrats are once again forced to dish out billion if not trillions to save the day.
Governments across the planet have been grappeling with this COVID pandemic.   It has brought economies to their knees and yet no one is to put blame where blame is deemed.    China caused this global pandemic.   Yet their economy is rebounding like never before and the rest of the world is left to deal with the aftermath.
Without shooting one bullet. China has managed to bring the world to their knees.   
Sadly we the common folk are left to deal with the reality of the incompetence of those representing playing the guessing game on how to deal with such global catastrophe.
Now the world looks at Biden to get the job done.   A man that has yet to bring those responsible to light of responsibility.
When Trump was in office.  Critics were quick to point fingers that Trump had some sort of interests in Russia...  That Russia did this and that..... never proven.    
The funny thing.... the Russians being communist have always hated the Chinese style communism as competitive and more controlled.     Then there was Trump.  Not only taking the boots to the Chinese economically but holding them publicly responsible for the pandemic.
Here comes Biden.   Everyone, uncle.    The Chinese are rejoicing in their effort for global dominance.   In America everyone is so busy and so pre-occupied with equality and the never ending of battle of the races that have lost the true essence of the enemy and the real global prejudice body that is killing us slowly one by one through this pandemic.
I live a dream in a nightmare world... and as such when I awaken I only wish I could dream forever as this nightmare world is not worthy of awakening to the realities that we need to acknowledge in the preservation of humanity.

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