Saturday, May 1, 2021

Hello Mr. Joe


By Joe Ingino

“I live a dream in a nightmare world”

    Not to sound prejudice.... but am i the only asshole that is tired of getting some uneducated thirds world criminal calling me by using the wrong syntax when addressing me.   Mr. Joe....  I got a deal for you.
A message to you fucker... Go to school to at the least address people in  proper syntax...   You never use Mr. after a person’s first name.
Ok.  Now that my blood pressure has lowered a bit... Here is the number one reason WE THE WEST.  Must stop outsourcing to these third world ‘SHIT HOLES’.  (not my words that of former President Trump).
  99.9% of today's scams come from over seas.  Scams that have obtained our personal information illegally from these so called corporation such as Bell, Rogers and others.   
These giants instead of keeping the jobs at home they farm it out to people they pay a bag of rice and a coke a month.
Now these fuckers in their desperation to make an extra buck.  They steal our personal information and sell it to scammers.... as in most of these countries... ..SCAMS are as rampant as the poverty.
  We from the WEST are so ignorant of the fact that lurk around the world.   How the rest of the world see us and how they in a heart beat kill each one of us and take our place only to turn it into another shit hole.    It is a well documented theory amongst sociologist that if you give a cave dweller a pent house.  He will treat it like a cave.   If you give a penthouse dweller a cave. He will treat it like a penthouse.
DON’T BITCH AT ME I AM NOT GOD.   Life is what it is.  If it offends you FUCK you have a reason to be offended.
 It appears that more and more fraud is being reported.   The latest comes from Sri Lanka.   The way this scam works is as follows.  Victims get an email as follows:
Thank You for processing the payment.
Renewal charges of $347.26 is processed VIA  CHECKiNG ACC0UNT
Your confirmation number is NJSM-5S85678
RENEWAl  DATE           :         04/29/2021
RENEWAl AM0UNT      :          $347.26
PR0DUCT                       :         #N0RT0N# firewaII
lssue with the transaction
call us @ +1(855) 528-2639
Thanks & Regards,
  Victims call to inquire as they never ordered anything from NORTON.  Upon calling you get someone with a very heavy Sri Lanka accent.   They inform you that the call is being recorded and it is not.   They then proceed to identify you.... they will ask you for your banking information to confirm that it is you.... DO NOT GIVE THEM ANYTHING.   Then they proceed to tell you that in order to refund you the $347.26 that they will have to take out a dollar first.    What they are doing is verifying your account.   Here is where it gets interesting.  If you give them the right info.  They will take every penny in that account.   THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO.  YOU REPORT IT TO THE POLICE.... They can’t do nothing.  You report it to the mounties they can’t do a thing.   You just lost all your money.  The bank will investigate but their hands are tied as it was a legal transaction from their end.
This is not the only scam... Another very notable one is the GOOGLE registration scam.  You will either get a very formal email and or call informing you that if you do not update your GOOGLE account right away that GOOGLE will delete all your online information.  DO NOT DO IT.   These scammers will also ask you for $350.  to update your account.   It is a fraud.   This fraud comes from the U.S.   Cops in Canada can’t do a thing about it.   These companies what will sell you is an optimization package...under the disguise of GOOGLE.   These companies have nothing to do with GOOGLE.  These companies take advantage of small businesses.  People ignorant of technology and desperate for some results.
At the paper those that claim to only be advertising through GOOGLE, we deemed them third class as they are normally small businesses with little or no budget and have very limited knowledge of advertising and promotions.
GOOGLE ranking in itself is a kind of a scam.    GOOGLE ranks your business in accordance to a parameter.  Outside of the parameter you are just another ranking.    People pay because it gives them a false sense of worth.    They get some response as GOOGLE is notorious for flooding local markets with spam type advertising including some of the local.    I always tell people.  If you are getting any results from GOOGLE.  This is a huge indicator that you are missing a large number of possible clients that GOOGLE will never reach.  The key is to use GOOGLE as a ruler or indicator of where your customers come from.
Speaking of GOOGLE.   Another GOOGLE oriented based scam includes.  People showing up to your door and claiming that they must check your internet connection.  That according to GOOGLE, your system has been compromised.  Once inside they attempt to charge you $400 for something that they never repaired and or touched.
Consumers be aware that there are all kinds of scams out there.    Rule of thumb.  Let no on in your house.  Do not accept offers of any kind.  No matter how good they may be.  Never ever give out your personal information and or contact.
We live in an age of information.   Our beloved companies like Rogers, Bell and others that outsource to third world countries put all of us in Canada in great risk of our personal information ending up in the wrong hands.
The Rogers and Bells of the world will promise to no end that they have the outmost secure system to protect consumers from their personal information from being sold.   What they do not tell you is that the main vein of information leak is by employees.   Something that can’t be prevented and or stopped.   These corporation hire people and pay them a fraction of what they would have to pay someone in Canada.  The people they hire are not stupid and see by the amounts they are being asked to collect on the corporation behalf is 100x what they would  make a year.
People are people, so they look for ways to increase their wealth.   Easy money.  Sell information to the highest bidder.   Make extra money on the side.  A victimless crime.   An untraceable crime.
What has become of Canada.  What has become of our standards.   We through our generosity have become those that we have so generously welcomed.    Corporations are taking advantage of our confusion and make claims that in order to stay competitive and lower costs they must go off shore.
In reality... these corporations are ripping us off.  Take Rogers.   Their biggest cost is employees. Followed by equipment.   Cellular technology is FREE.   Once you have the equipment set up and running.  All you have to worry is maintenance, upkeep.    In other word it is a legal golden goose that keep laying that golden egg every month.  Look at how much the CEO and top brass make.   Look at how they push convenience.   Just recently, I signed up for their 1G net service.  Once they install it. They tell you that in fact is not 1G service, but instead up to 1G service.   Your system on the best of day may push 550mgbts.
Is this not false advertising?   How about their TV service?  Half of the channels are duplicates, not to mention to the 100’s of music, off the air and the like.  The question is why do we let these companies treat us this way?  I guess for the same reason our gas prices have gone from .70 cents a litre to now almost 2.00 dollars.  Are we the Canadian consumer that ignorant?  Hey maybe that is why scammer target it us.

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