Saturday, May 22, 2021

The Political Crystal Ball


The Political Crystal Ball
By Joe Ingino

“I live a dream in a nightmare world”   

 How else do you explain it if not to assume they use a crystal ball and consult the same guy that is responsible for setting out what people should pay in fines for the many vehicular infractions.
   Number out of a hat perhaps.  No I still like my assumption of a crystal ball of sort.... cause you are never going to sell me on the fact that there is any science involved in irrational mentalities.
   Men and women that have no medical training yet had the fortunate opportunity to be elected to a position that they clearly have no clue what they are doing.
    With all due respect.  You can’t blame he or her that pulls the trigger.  We got to blame all of us that put the gun in their hands to begin.  If we use the analogy of a gun...   Remember guns do not kill people.  People kill people.
Just this week our beloved politicians once again have gone public and attempted to tell us how to live our lives.
The report read:  What you can do and when under Ontario’s new 3-phase COVID-19 reopening plan
The Ontario government has unveiled a three-phase COVID-19 reopening plan that will gradually guide the province as it emerges from a weeks-long stay-at-home order imposed on all regions.
Premier Doug Ford, Health Minister Christine Elliott and Ontario’s chief medical officer of health Dr. David Williams revealed the long-awaited blueprint at Queen’s Park Thursday afternoon.  (Have the three amigos not learned from the last time they opened to fast?   Just because numbers are dropping a bit.  It does not mean to take a leap backwards again.   How long are these politicians going to tug at the same old yo-yo?)
Before the first phase begins, the Ontario government will permit outdoor recreational amenities (restrictions will be in place) to reopen as of 12:01 a.m. on Saturday. (how did the government come to that time and date?  Random science?  Calculations based on the same principles as just ‘DO IT’ and vaccinate without giving it enough time to see the actual side effects?)
Phase one will begin as soon as 60 per cent of all eligible Ontario residents have received their first of two COVID-19 vaccine doses, which is estimated to begin around June 14 based on trends seen in mid-May. This phase is primarily focused on resuming outdoor activities where there are small crowds.
Here are the highlights of what’s allowed under the first phase:
– Outdoor gatherings of up to 10 people
– Patios with up to four people at each table
– Retail will begin reopening with a 15-per-cent cap for non-essential businesses, 25 per cent for essential retail
– Outdoor religious ceremonies and rite with capacity limits and two-metre physical distancing requirements
– Outdoor sports and training for up to 10 people allowed
– Day camps, campgrounds, Ontario Parks, horse racing, speedways, outdoor pools, zoos, splash pads allowed.  (How do they come up with these numbers?  What science has gone in these  calculations.  How do they justify their plan.  10 people, 15 people, 20 people a million.  They go as far as telling us that retail will open... What do the 3 amigos know about retail?  About health? What study was conducted by the chief medical officer of health Dr. David Williams.  Or is it just another foretelling of the magic crystal ball?   Hell they are even experts in recreation.  Day camps, campgrounds, Ontario Parks.   I am not the sharpest knife in the drawer.   But for xmas I want my own magic crystal ball.)
A minimum of three weeks will need to pass and 70 per cent of all eligible Ontario residents will need to have their first COVID-19 vaccine dose and 20 per cent of residents will need to have the required two doses. At that point, here’s what else will be allowed:
– Outdoor gatherings for up to 25 people, indoor gatherings for up to 5 people
– Outdoor patio tables will be able to have up to six people
– Non-essential retail capacity will be increased to 25 per cent
– Personal care settings with face masks worn at all times
– Outdoor meeting and event spaces, amusement parks, water parks, boat tours, county fairs, sports leagues and events, cinemas and arts venues will be allowed to reopen
Story continues below advertisement.  (Dorothy said another three weeks.... why not four or five or hell ten.  Could they have got this advice from the same guy that sets fines for auto drivers?   No seat belt 200.  Speeding over the limit $200.  Random numbers thrown out to make it look like their is any validity or significance.   I call on the government to prove their so called path to insanity.  All I see is hit and misses and yet another huge wave.  Vaccination or not.  We are being led right into another suicide mission for many.)
After another three-week minimum period, along with up to 80 per cent of residents receiving their first vaccine dose and 25 per cent receiving their second dose, more indoor activities will be allowed where masks can’t always be worn. Here’s what can operate under phase three:
– Large indoor, outdoor gatherings and indoor dining
– Greater expansion of capacity for retail businesses
– Larger indoor religious services, rites and ceremonies
– Indoor meeting, event spaces
– Indoor sports, recreational facilities
– Indoor seated events, attractions, cultural amenities
– Casinos and bingo halls
– Other outdoor phase two activities will be allowed to operate indoors
At the end of each phase, health system indicators will be reviewed before moving to the next step.
You got to laugh at the last part of the news release.    After another three-weeks minimum period.   Like really.  Dorothy stop clicking your heels we are far from Kansas.   The release it read like a school boys essay.  At the beginning attempting to rationalize something he clearly has failed to do his research to the middle where he attempts to rationalize it by the element of chance and at the end with clear wishful thinking.
Casinos and bingo halls....  Other outdoor phase two activities will be allowed to operate indoors.  
Some scientific explanation.  Some well out thought plan.  To me it reads like.  We need to do something and something is better than nothing.   They say you find everything in  nothing and nothing in everything.   The three amigos have done a great job in bringing to light that philosophy.  
We live in changing times.   We are living through a huge social transformation that could in theory be the end of democracy and in turn the end of civilization. I don’t have a crystal ball.
I have for humanity that we awaken before it is to late.

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