Saturday, May 29, 2021


By Joe Ingino

“I live a dream in a nightmare world”   

    I look around and I keep scratching my head wondering what has gone wrong.   In the name of profit we are talked into all kinds of things that end up not being good for us.
   Corporate America/Canada stopped being about customer service/satisfaction and has become more about profits.
They treat customers like numbers and bombard them will false lies.  For example:  “for your convenience”, “for your safety/confidentiality” and so on.
From the fast food sector to construction and everything in between.   Look at what we pay for at McD’s for example.   Look what we get.
What happened to the Big Mac.  You open the box and it is the size of a silver dollar.   Where is the beef?
Under the guise of nutrition.  We are told we do not need to eat so much and a smaller portion has the same affect.   Yet, the price goes up not down to compensate for the smaller portion.
Or how about the ‘vegie’ burgers.... You pay a premium for not eating meat.   REALLY!!!!
   As you drive through construction sites.... Look at how they are erecting ghettos with nothing more than two by fours and plywood.
Then they sell it to you for over half a million dollars.
  Is that value?   Do these home even meet any building code... and if they do.
Have our standards been lowered so much that we allow homes to be built with sticks and compress wood chips?
I truly feel for the future of our kids as Canada is slowly becoming a third world nation.   Our jobs are going over seas and our youth are left filling jobs that are menial and poor paying.   
How are they to ever afford half a million stick homes?
  I think as a people we should put a stop to how corporations are allowed to rape and pileage our economy.
Companies like BELL, ROGERS and many of the Ghetto builders should stopped... but wait how?   We live in Canada.   We can’t put two thoughts together without a legal challenge.   In the land of equality and fairness we are fed the line that individual thought or opinion has no place in modern society.
Sad time we live in...

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