Saturday, May 8, 2021

My Dear Penny


My Dear Penny

By Joe Ingino

“I live a dream in a nightmare world”   

   Dear penny so neglected yet so faithful.   So small yet so mighty
My dear penny how is it that I live day to day and neglect to acknowledge the importance you play in  my life.   How is it that your contributions go unnoticed to my success.   Penny without you I am worth nothing.   
  My life without a penny for my thoughts would be thoughtless.   My Earless penny so profoundly critical to the dollar.   Yet can someone please explain how something so important is being used as a weapon of mass economic destruction?
How do you feel about your pennies?  Do you even think of them?
  Have  you been keeping an eye on the prices at the gas pump lately?  It seems it inches up day by day, penny by penny without us giving it much attention.
A small insignificant increase that most don’t think anything about.  We have gone from 80 cents a litre to almost $1.30 in less than a year.
When we as Canadians wake up and realize that we are being ripped off.
I have a global question.   How is it that during Trump’s presidency he managed to be energy self reliant and force the global price of oil to tumble.   I know first hand that fracking has come to a halt.
We have another newspaper in the state of West Virginia and I can tell you first  hand... that West Virginia has been impacted by the Biden administration.   First no coal.  That killed the traditional labor force in the area.  Then now fracking has halted.   Gas prices are going through the roof again much like during Obama.
I think the biggest mistake Trump made was going after the oil cartels. Buy announcing to the world that America did not need foreign oil.
How else do you explain the sudden drop in oil prices during his presidency.
All I know is that as I drive by my local gas station.  Penny by penny the price at the pump keeps going up.   This is not a reflection of global barrel pricing.
Penny by penny in my opinion is a strategy to increase the prices without consumer confrontation and or knowledge.  After all.  We as modern day slaves pay without thought.  What real choice do we have?
Complain to whom?   File a complaint with whom?   We are led to believe that we have rights and freedoms when in reality we have none but choices.  Pay or walk simple.

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