Saturday, October 9, 2021

The old is new in Canada - aka the voters have chosen back to the future

by Maj (ret'd) CORNELIU E. CHISU, CD, PMSC, FEC, CET, P. Eng. Former Member of Parliament Pickering-Scarborough East With the election over and Canadians receiving the government which they chose we can look forward to developments that accelerate government control over individual freedom. As envisaged earlier, the Liberal government will impose restrictions on unvaccinated Canadians, limiting their employment and freedom of movement. This is an open ended restriction because there has been no mention of how long the pandemic will last, and whether more restrictions will be imposed rather than fewer. It is a strange time that we are living in, and hopefully people will wake up soon, and start defending their individual freedom. For the moment restrictions on personal freedom are justified with the eternal excuse of protecting the collective. This is a well known slogan successfully exercised in many former communist countries who enjoyed the communist paradise. I grew up under the communist regime practised in one of these countries and successfully got out from under the yoke. So now I have no desire to go back to a communist future. But it seems that the time has come for Canadians to get a taste of this type of paradise. Be prepared for more such 'protections', because they will come fast and furious. If we look at this week's announcement by the Liberal government through the voice of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and seconded by Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland, all federal employees and travellers by air, rail and sea need to prove their vaccination status by October 30th or face dire consequences, such as losing their jobs and not being able to travel. With glowing satisfaction, PM Trudeau announced proudly: "This is about keeping people safe on the job and in our communities. If you've done the right thing and gotten vaccinated, you deserve the freedom to be safe from COVID-19, to have your kids safe from COVID, to get back to the things you love." For the approximately 267,000 federal workers who are affected by this newly ordered policy, it'll be applicable whether employees work remotely or in the office, or even if they work outside of Canada. Exceptions will be restricted to a very few and monitored with ferocity. In addition to being put on unpaid leave, employees who do not attest to their vaccination status, or attest that they are unvaccinated, will be required to take an online training session on COVID-19 vaccines. They will also be unable to access their workplace or any off-site events or meetings. Travel for business, including attending conferences, will also be prohibited. All these draconian measures resonate of the good old times in the paradise of communist Romania, except that we do not yet have a Ceausescu calling the tune, though we are not far from it. Show your proof and your ID. If not, you will not be allowed to move or do anything. Well done! More to come. PM Trudeau added: "It's very straightforward: If you want to continue to work for the public service of Canada, you're going to need to be fully vaccinated. And the way to ensure that that happens as quickly as possible, is to allow for the vast majority of public servants who are vaccinated, to make a simple straightforward attestation… That allows managers and departments to focus in on those people who will not." Reverberations from the past: if your are not a communist party member you cannot work in certain areas…….That allows party officials to focus on the party propaganda to the masses… Not to be optimistic of the future, officials have said that if boosters become a widespread requirement, the policy could be adjusted accordingly, and that the policy will be re-assessed every six months to determine whether it needs to remain in place, citing the objective as public health. So in their wise and apparatchik view the pandemic will still be around for six months or more eh… As if this is not enough, the copy cats are already eager to follow. For example, the esteemed Mayor of Toronto did not wait for the press conference of his federal buddy to end before he issued the same orders to City employees. We can now wait patiently to see how soon comrade Ford follows the line. As for the freedom of movement of Canadians, there will be new orders limiting your travels nationally and internationally by air, rail and sea if you do not have a proof of Covid vaccination and an ID to show. Be sure to have a valid (not and expired ID), otherwise you will be in troublewith any apparatchik controlling you. The question is how they will handle cocktail vaccinations for international travel???? Documents please…. Back to the future…… So in addition to federal workers, employees and passengers in the federally-regulated air, rail and marine transportation sectors will also have to be fully vaccinated as of Oct. 30. This means that any worker-including people working at retail or hospitality establishments, in restricted sections of airports- or passengers boarding any domestic flight, or interprovincial train or cruise ship will have to provide proof of vaccination. Documents please…. Back to the future…… Following the revelations described above, the apparatchik added with superior conviction, that: "Our message to all unvaccinated travellers is clear: If you're planning a trip in the coming weeks, you need to book your vaccine appointment now." What about Canadians who were vaccinated abroad and already possess an international vaccine passport? Might we conclude that Canadian officials are lagging behind other countries in this regard when it comes to international travel? Never mind how inept they are at their jobs, they only have to be the best at drumming the party line. And they seem to be catching on fast, at that…… Well fellow Canadians, be prepared for more to come. This is only the beginning…. Enjoy the regressive future the majority of Canadians have been lulled into choosing for us.…

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