Saturday, October 16, 2021


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher “I live a dream in a nightmare world” This past week the Official Opposition NDP Leader Andrea Horwath demanded to know why Doug Ford is treating small, local businesses differently from the big players — again — after the Ford government announced a change that puts local business at a disadvantage. “Small business owners from restaurants to bowling alleys are working hard to keep their head above water and keep paycheques coming for working folks,” said Horwath. “But again and again, Doug Ford gives the big fish a big advantage over small and local businesses. He did it when he shut local businesses down but allowed big box stores to sell anything. And he’s doing it now by saying burgers and pop in an arena are safer than burgers and pop at a local family-owned restaurant.” the Ford government announced that some big businesses, like stadiums and theatres, can now operate at full capacity. Meanwhile, family-owned restaurants and other small businesses are forced to operate at a far lower capacity. Are you yet not tired of being confused? Lied to and mislead? Like really. We can fill a stadium as long as you can show a bogus paper that says you are vaccinated but you can’t fill a local restaurant that depend on every nickel they get in order to stay a float. It is like that old saying. “Money talks”. The ultra rich team owners said enough, so the government finds a way to let them fill their pockets at the expense of the average tax payers health. People, just because you are vaccinated it does not mean you are bullet proof. You can still catch it and you can still carry it. Then why are we being fed the line that those that not vaccinated are the problem? Even if you catch it. You get better. You get the vaccine. You can still catch it again. You can carry it. The governments talk about trusting the science. But fail to enforce trusting the common sense and question the rationale of opening stadiums to thousands and not allowing capacity at local restaurants when the risk factor is greater at the larger venues. Not to mention the restrictions placed on gyms and other places. Has feared blinded our common sense? We are being forced to trust a science that is constantly changing a government that has no real understanding or grasp of what to do. Those not vaccinated are now the evil spreaders and those vaccinated are the riteous, conscious and civil minded amongst us. Really. What next flu shot passports? Could it be that those vaccinated have surrendered their ability to think freely and rather ride on the side of popular thought and opinion so it makes it easier to pin the blame on the pandemic on non vaccinated? Just today they came out with a dine in mask... it only covers your nose. Like come on folks where will we draw the line on stupidity. As it stand with this new APP the government has come out with. Technically they can catalogue and monitor your every move. No more privacy, no more confidentiality. The app has many applications... many that the government will never reveal. Much like when emails first came out. People were reluctant due to privacy issues. Today, emails are sold and bought much like cell phone numbers. In today’s society there is no such thing as privacy. Ever since the introduction of smart phones for stupid people was introduced... kiss away your privacy. Now with this app you can kiss away your individuality. We are being catalogued without consent. Are we at the eve of the new social order?

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