Thursday, October 21, 2021

The Vaccine Passport saga

by Maj (ret'd) CORNELIU E. CHISU, CD, PMSC, FEC, CET, P. Eng. Former Member of Parliament Pickering-Scarborough East Here we are with many provinces in Canada having decided on a vaccine passport, at least the most populous ones. In Ontario comrade Ford has decided that it is necessary to control you as much as possible and fine you at his leisure. In Alberta comrade Kenney, reneging on his own words, has done the same. Just two weeks ago he was very confident that a few weeks of masking and some early bar closings were all that was needed to stop the fourth wave. Now, in a complete reversal of stance, all people are supposed to work from home again, indefinitely. And no way, never, ever would there be passports. Now passports are the key to semi-normal life. It seems the weather vane syndrome is contagious. It's not just Erin O'Toole suffering from it anymore, but Ford and Kenney have also been contaminated by it. Maybe Doctor Faucci with the blessing of Dr. Tam should propose that a vaccine against weather vane syndrome be developed and administered to these politicians as quickly as possible to prevent future spread of the disease. But wait a minute the vaccine passport was first initiated and proposed by the reigning liberal Prime Minister Trudeau. The question is why these Conservative copy cats have embraced it at both the provincial and the federal level? Are they manipulated by a sanitary and pharma lead mafia? Now coast to coast and sea to sea Canadians will be divided into two parallel societies; the vaccinated and the non vaccinated, with different rights and obligations. Moreover, a new police will be created, the sanitary police, checking on you and asking for your ID and proof of vaccination. But this is only the beginning of the limitations on your basic freedom. New restrictions will be in place on your freedom of speech, choice and movement in the name of the magic Covid delta and all the following Greek alphabet pandemic series to come. Already some sanitary wakos are imposing new rules on your freedom and asking neighbours to report you. Here is the example from our own Durham Region's medical officer of health. If you thought your home was the one place where you could relax without worrying about getting fined over pandemic rules, think again. As reported by Anthony Furey of the Toronto Sun on September 15, Durham Region's top doctor has quietly passed new rules mandating that all residents must conduct contact tracing of anyone who comes to their house for a "social gathering." This is regardless of how many people are in attendance, how well they know each other, and the purpose of the visit. If someone is found not complying, they can be hit with a $5,000 fine. Dr. Robert Kyle, Durham Region's medical officer of health, issued this as a Sec. 22 class order under the Ontario Health and Protection and Promotion Act that came into effect on Sept. 10. The new rule means that coffee dates with a best friend or a play date between toddlers must now be documented and handed over to the regional health department upon request. An official fact sheet clarifies the rules for residents of the Greater Toronto Area neighbourhood: - Maintain a list of full names and contact information (including phone numbers) for all attendees at the social gathering, regardless of age, in a private dwelling and/or commercial premises and, upon request, shall provide Durham Region Health Department (DRHD) with this information within 24 hours of the request, or other time specified. - Maintain the list of names and contact information (including phone numbers) for attendees at the social gathering for a period of at least one month. The fact sheet specifies that "(a) social gathering is a gathering of two or more people who do not reside in the same household. This means that private residences in Durham now face similar rules as public-facing businesses. It also means the government is now setting rules for private social interactions. They claim that most people already voluntarily hand such information over, and that the new order is because of "some who do not cooperate." The health department further explains: "This class order was issued as a result of an increase in the numbers of people contracting COVID-19 in Durham Region and the importance of timely and efficient case and contact management in order to reduce transmission in the community." While the number of cases has gone up slightly from where they stood in July, they are still at some of their lowest points of the year. The Durham Region daily case count currently hovers in the 20s and 30s and they had 36 cases on Sept. 10, the day the new rule came into effect. Dr. Neil Rau, an infectious diseases physician based in Oakville, calls these rules "extreme" and doubts they will even accomplish anything. "Any order that's calling for contact tracing like this is moving backward rather than moving forwards in terms of our evolving towards an endemic (live with it) response," says Dr. Rau. "I don't think it has much value in terms of disease containment." One lawyer familiar with COVID-19 rules notes that those who object have the right to challenge the new rule. "Anyone affected by the order, including homeowners who disagree with it, have the right to appeal the order before the Health Services Appeal and Review Board, and have the right to a hearing within 15 days," explains Ryan O'Connor, a partner at the Toronto-based Zayouna law firm. "It is notable that the province currently permits indoor social gatherings in private residences but does not mandate the collection of guests' personal information," O'Connor adds. "This is another instance of a local public health unit imposing orders above and beyond the province's COVID-related restrictions." So now we are ruled by local sanitary despots overruling weak politicians, in complete disregard of the rules of the land, the constitution, freedom and democracy. This marxisistic individual should be relieved of his duties and disciplined by the medical profession for overstepping his jurisdiction. This is a blatant limitation of your personal freedom and is similar to that practiced by totalitarian regimes. This must end. Sanity should rule again and democracy must be reinstated. When will politicians at all levels act? Where is their leadership? Are they slaves of a maleficent and incompetent sanitary establishment? Is it time for a change in the political leadership? What do you think? DON’T LET THIS HAPPEN IN AMERICA...

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