Saturday, October 23, 2021


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher “I live a dream in a nightmare world” This week I came across a story I just had to share. It read: Haiti gang demands US$17M for kidnapped Canadian, American missionaries: reports A wave of kidnapping prompted a protest strike that shuttered businesses, schools and public transportation in a new blow to Haiti’s anemic economy. How dare they attack innocent people in their country doing good for the people of Haiti. They want 17 million. Here is what I would give them in exchange. I would pull all foreign aid and workers from that country. See how quickly those kidnappers be found by the local militia. No instead we are there to do good and we get played. This has to stop. I really don’t care the reason. The thinking or the excuse. How dare any Haiti national stand for this. What kind of people are these that they can’t run their own country and are at the hands of generosity from other nations and they allow this to happen. Disgraceful. Despicable and we the rest of the world should not tolerate it. An island that has 90% of the population infected with Aids. 95% of the population living in poverty. 60% living in filth with no running water and or electricity. A population that has rationed power systems. Why should the rest of the world help them. It is obvious that the people of Haiti do not appreciate it and or recognize the gesture of foreign aid. Cut them out. Do not send a penny to them and let see how long they will survive on their own? We the west have to stop thinking that the world likes us... that they are like us... that they hold the same moral code we do. The don’t. Look at the fiasco with the Haitian's crossing the Mexico/U.S. borders. We must say enough is enough. We have people on our own streets that need help. Walk downtown Oshawa and see. If the people of Haiti do not appreciate all the aid they have in a collapsing economy. I say cut them off. I bet Haiti president does not live in a shack? I bet the top government official are all frequent flyer to Florida and New York. FREE OUR PEOPLE YOU UNDESERVING PIGS.

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