Friday, October 15, 2021


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher “I live a dream in a nightmare world” I am all for giving people a chance. No matter your political inclination. Some place in your common sense realm you must have wondered how did the Democrats pull it off. Trump cried foul but let the people down in proving it. A careered “YES MAN” is elected president. A man that has shown more signs of mental compromise than one can even name. A man that has been a civil servant for most of this adult life with little or no real accomplishments. Then there was Trump. A non-politico. A business man with more battle scars that one can count. A man that knows the value of a dollar and the struggle of the common folk. A man that worked for the people and gave back all his pay to charity. Yet, he was a womanizer an embezzler a tax evader and the worst. But one thing about Trump. He put a stop to the ‘TERROR’ game by the middle east. He tamed the dragons lurking in the far east. He put a stop to jobs going overseas. He stomped the oil producing nation to the point that the oil producers had no real market. Trump went as far... as filling his national reserves with oil bought at an all time low. American economy was booming. Gas prices at an all time low. Oh Trump how we need you now. But wait. That is an unfair statement. Let’s look at all that came out of the Obama administration. As soon as he took office. All major car manufacturers cried bankruptcy... Remember the billions that Obama gave to the industry only to have them take it off shore. Remember the millions he gave to terrorist nations? Remember the never ending gas prices going through the roof. I remember just before he left office gas up to almost $6.00 in some states. It is not about being a democrat or a republican. Traditionally when democrats are in office it is open season for industry to cry wolf as they know that democrats are about spending. Democrats cry the we are for the people line but in reality the people continue to not afford housing, food and adequate medical care. Republicans are no saints. They are pro industry, pro business and leave it up to the individual to make something out of the opportunities the republicans create. Different way to approaching the problem. On the one hand under the democrats. It is hand out and charity due to the lack of jobs and prosperity. As industry cries wolf and threaten lay offs and closures if they are not helped. On the republican side. It is about getting you out to work. Getting people to earn a living so that they can work on their American dream. Either way. The people are left to fend for themselves. As it stands with Biden. The American people are worst off than they were with Obama. As today Biden is to deal with COVID. A silent/ghost killer from the orient. I wonder how Trump would have dealt with it. I predict that by now Trump would have demanded retribution for the damage China caused the world. I doubt that the spread and or release of this virus was accidental. Trump stepped on to many toes. He took out the Arabs in the oil game. He kept the orient in check. The world had a new leader. What better then to throw him off... China releases COVID on the world. Where is Biden investigation on the point of origin he had started. Why did the finding not make headline news? The world has a ‘YES MAN’ as a leader and to boot it is obvious Pelosi, Harris and others call the shots from the blind side. Please someone explain how it could be that since Biden took office. The gas prices are on a never ending surge. Explain how the economy is in such a dire state. Yes, it is easy to say COVID. But enough is enough. Under Trump. The vaccine was developed in record time. Today the American people are being left to booster. Soon the anniversary of all those that received the vaccine will come due... and they will have to be re-vaccinated. Has Biden planned for that before he is giving million of doses to foreign nations. America is in such a downward spin that it baffles the educated mind. The ignorant keep grinding their teeth in the hope that something good will come out of it. Much like in the Obama era. Nothing did. On the republican side. Their renaissance is coming soon. Hopefully they learned from their mistakes and they can make improvements. It is not about remembering the bad or the good of any administration. It is about how they have touched America. America is divided and will always be. As that is freedom. Those who try to unite us by shame, force or fear are not true Americans as this nation was built on the contributions of our differences. We are not a one people nation but a proud nation of a people that come together when the need/call arises. We must stop allowing other nations influence our democracy. As democracy is being challenged as all the other world “isms” have been through history. We can remember and learn or we can remember and look the other way. That train of reality is coming either way. We can say FUC% our memory or come togther as a nation and do something about it, for positive change.

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