Saturday, October 16, 2021

The new order in Canada

by Maj (ret'd) CORNELIU E. CHISU, CD, PMSC, FEC, CET, P. Eng. Former Member of Parliament Pickering-Scarborough East We are now over a costly election that did little to change the political structure in the House of Commons. However, new issues are arising, particularly regarding the economy, and relations between Provincial governments and the Federal Government are not always as harmonious as might be expected. Certainly we can affirm that all three levels of government in Canada seem increasingly eager to control you as much as possible. Your life, your movements and your jobs. They have discovered that the Covid pandemic offers a unique opportunity in this regard. Let us take the issue of the vaccination passport. In vacillating on this, the provinces have their own ideas, but sooner or later they need to come to an agreement, to allow citizens to move both internally and internationally. With the Federal government responsible for interprovincial and international travel and expressing strong decisions on the rules governing federal means of transportation, the provinces responsible for the administration of vaccinations, will be forced to adopt a common standard for the new document; the vaccination passport. There is some confusion however, about how Canadian cocktail vaccinations will be accepted internationally. It seems that there is a problem there, carefully hidden from the public eye by a subservient media, which tries to minimize the importance of this issue. The land border between Canada and the US is still closed for some undisclosed reason, which I presume to be exactly this. The US does not accept cocktail vaccinations (i.e. where the first and second dose of vaccine administered are not from the same manufacturer) as proof of being fully vaccinated. There are other countries who take the same opinion. However, you cannot keep the land border between Canada and US closed much longer and a slim hope for Canadians arose when the US said that they would lift the restrictions to fully vaccinated Canadians by November. But fully vaccinated means one thing for the US and something else for Canada. So what is the solution for people caught in this quandary? The Liberal government is silent and so is the press. Is it any wonder? Economic recovery is not proceeding at an encouraging pace either. Some recent, controversial decisions made by the Province of Ontario certainly won't speed things up. How does it help small business or even make sense, to allow 100% capacity at sporting events and theaters while keeping restaurants at a strict 25% capacity? How much more social distancing can you practice in the stands at a sporting event, or a theater auditorium than in a restaurant where tables are spaced? Lately it seems that politicians have become puppets. They have increasingly succumbed to an incompetent and unconscionable public service advisory which invariable finds excuses for their actions. If they make a mistake they are promoted to another position as a reward. They are never held responsible for their actions even when they cause serious damage. Does that seem fair or make any sense to you? Never mind. We are experiencing the curse of 'living in interesting times'. It seems that what was once prized as common sense has now become a liability. How can you rely on anything when the powers that be can change the rules overnight to suit their whims? In order to flourish a society needs steadfast rules that are upheld and respected by everyone. Just like science needs to be based on reproducible results. If someone tries to tell you that at standard pressure pure water freezes at other than zero degrees Celsius or boils at other than one hundred degrees Celsius, you know that you are dealing with uninformed opinion, not science. They may try to force you to believe it, you may even have to pretend to agree, but the truth will out eventually. And a society, like science, cannot be based on lies and expect to have meaning. With common sense lost, a flourishing dark ages science mentality and an inquisitions type of governing rules, we will be hard pressed to face the next crisis which is already brewing on the horizon and will not be nice. That is the rampant increase in the price of oil and gas, signaling an upcoming economic crisis which will hit Canada very hard in the very near future. The inevitable collision between 30 years of global warming hyper activism characterized by the howling and barking demonization of available proven energy resources of Canada and reality, is now coming upon us. An atmosphere of semi-panic is brewing as many of the countries most committed to "getting off" oil and gas and turning their economies over to wind and sun and no nuclear of course, find winter approaching. Environmentally virtuous as they are, they are wondering if they will have enough oil and gas or even coal, to get through it. The chorus of reassuring voices that nothing catastrophic will happen is particularly strong here in Canada. However, we face a different reality at the pumps. The weather is still balmy as I write this in early October, but inevitably winter will come, despite the global warming enthusiasts, reality will kick in. The U.K. is already tasting the first fruits of petrol shortages, inevitably followed by inflation. Even the U.S., under the sage guidance of the super-alert Joe Biden, is thinking of unlocking its emergency oil reserves. In view of this wise guidance of the leaders of the developed countries, including our own more then savvy Prime Minister, OPEC has a stronger whip than at any time since the '70s. Watch the upcoming sequence of developments closely. They will impact our economy and our lives, sinking us into a quick and cold depression.There was a time when societies and nations looked back at their pasts, at the work and hardships and deprivations of previous generations, and gave thanks that those generations vaulted succeeding ones into new realms of comfort, security, ease of life, and stability. That philosophy no longer seems to hold. We now have a political and activist force built around a philosophy of ingratitude for the privileges we enjoy, and the means by which those privileges were earned. There is a furious determination to bring the whole house down and to quickly establish a new world order based on fantasies of utopia. The climate for a woke change is particularly frenzied in Canada. It is millenarian in intensity and vision, demanding that we unharness our economy and well-being from the one, proven, established means, based on our natural resources. It is the malaise of a rudderless society that has allowed, even enabled, its careless and unthinking detractors to rule without any reaction or effort to salvage sanity. As the harsh Canadian winter is just around the corner, be prepared for a freezing economy. The iceberg is heading for the great Canadian ship and the Titanic syndrome is alive and well. It will be the new pandemic that provides the government with excuses for controlling our lives, replacing the already known and well established Covid -19. What do you think eh….?

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