Saturday, October 9, 2021

Would You Like To Top It Off???

Would You Like To Top It Off??? By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher
“I live a dream in a nightmare world” This week I came across a very interesting news release. It read: McDonald's Canada is removing plastic cutlery*, stir sticks and straws by December 2021 TORONTO, Oct. 7, 2021 /CNW/ - McDonald's Canada today announced that it will introduce wooden cutlery*, wooden stir sticks and paper straws to its more than 1,400 restaurants across the country by December 2021. The removal of these single-use plastics* in its restaurants supports McDonald's global commitment to source 100% of McDonald's primary guest packaging** from renewable, recycled or certified sources. On the surface... oh how environmentally conscious they are. They save the environment and it ends up costing the consumer convenience. McD - decides to cut back on portion size but not price. Oh how nutritional conscious they are and we end up paying. McD want to look like they care about the community. They introduce the ‘TOP UP’ program... Oh how much they care. In reality they don’t. They make their patrons pay. I HAD ENOUGH. McDonald portion are small for the price. The quality of food is cafeteria/frozen line. I can’t stand it. It appears that no matter the place they all are following suit. The consumer comes first. Their corporate pockets come first. Have you see the size of a “BIG MAC”? You have to watch you don’t bite your fingers. I remember a Big Mac was a nice size sandwich. But wait, McD has a conscious as they have come out with the GRAND BIG MAC. The actual size BIG MAC. But now they charge you 11 dollars for a combo instead of eight dollars. The rip off is out of control and we the consumers are nothing but suckers. The other thing that really bothers me is how companies like McD have the balls to ask the consumer to donate money in the name of a cause. McD and corporations alike have no shame. They make millions if not billions a day and they have the balls to ask the patrons to donate. These corporations should be made to donate a percentage above any revenue sales over 10 million a day. Every known charity would be taken care and every cause satisfied. No instead they expect the patrons to donate and in turn they put their corporate name as a donation from McD. What kind of society are we living in where we have no voice. We are led by misinformation and preconceptions. Corporations make billions a month and we the little guy are forced to comply or else. In the case of McD. Either buy the burger or not. Simple. The choices that we are given in modern society are not choices but two option with the same outcome. We are fed the perception as we have choices but we don’t. We are fooled into believing that we are contributing or acting in the better good of causes that tug at our good nature. We are not free will thinkers but instead we are a society led by misinformation and fear of social reprisal. The Good vs Evil battle in the human conscious no longer exists. Today battle is between defiance and confomity. Social outcast vs social acceptance. Sad that when we think that top it off is the right thing to do only re-enforces wrong behavior by those that manipulate what we should be thinking.

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