Monday, October 3, 2022


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret or Sorrow. Let this be a notice to anyone tampering or removing election signs. You are breaking the law and could face serious criminal consequences. Tampering with or stealing/moving/storing election signs is an offense under the Criminal Code of Canada and the Canada Elections Act, and anyone caught doing so can be facing charges, including mischief to property or theft under $5,000- which has a maximum penalty of two years in prison. Candidates beware the other day I received a phone call from an idiot that is removing signs in Columbus by the name of Stephen LaForest. He was very friendly but forceful. He informed me to remove my signs as they were on private property and that if I did not removed them that he would take them and that I could go pick them up from his house. After careful investigation. It appears that this character is working some how in conjunction with Rosemary McConkey. This LaForest is going around misrepresenting himself as the agent for property owners and demanding to remove signs or else he will. This is against the Criminal Code. Since his attempt. A police report has been filed against him and he has been warned that if he does it again that there will serious consequences. It is not bad enough that we have some vigilante by the name of Larry Jr. going around painting business signs. Now this. Wonna be by law municipal officer. So far to my count I have had over 130 signs gone missing from roadways. Is this democracy? No this is petty thiefs working on behalf of crooked incumbents. New candidates would never pull this as they are way to busy just learning the process. What is wrong with people now a days. Cheating is the way to go about winning? Look at the mayor and Tito - putting up signs and violating the same by-law they are supposed to be upholding. What role models. What leadership. We need to rid of both of these character from municipal office. Tito just recently in a phone conversation with a constituent made it public that he has been involved in city contracts without going to bid or tenders. Is this even legal? To boot Tito turns around and files to police a complaint that the person that recorded him threaten him somehow. Pathetic. Tito and Carter have to go. They both have proven to lack leadership quality. They are both in it for themselves. Look at Tito once the head of the Liberal party align himself to Carter a conservative backed candidate so that in the next election he can run for mayor . We have to put a stop to dirty politics. We have to bring municipal government back to the people of Oshawa. Vote Ingino for real change and proven leadership.

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