Friday, October 14, 2022

OSHAWA -EINSTEIN SAID IT BEST “Insanity Is Doing the Same Thing Over and Over Again and Expecting Different Results”

By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret or Sorrow. With less than one week. The big question before us will the people of Oshawa make the same thing over and over again and expecting different results? When you speak of the realities of our City. People jump to concussions and assume it is negativity. NO IT IS REALITY. The reality of things is that people keep electing that had already served in council on a name recognition basis. Not on achievements, accomplishments and contributions to the community they want to serve. Many of the incumbents are careered politicians that in some cases are nothing but fluffing pensions on your dime and other could not get equivalent paid position in any other corporation. So it is put on your best suit on. Brush them pearlies and do a lot of praying that someone in your family has a recognizable name. I remember the Aker family name. The sitting councillor partially retired and his daughter put her name ran on the Aker name and won. Not till after the election did the electoral realized they been fooled. People please stop making the same thing time and time again and expect a different outcome. The future of our City is on the line. The future of your children. The safety and health of our community and that of our families is on the line. I can stand at any given corner and yell caution. But will that do any good? Then how do we get through? Einstein famous words include, "We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." Think about this for a moment. Our current Mayor had his chance to do something for the city. Natural growth is not of his design but on natural over population. Much like in Carter's word during the recent debate. The proof is in the pudding. Then if so. Take a walk downtown Oshawa. Do you feel safe? Talk to any merchant of the core and ask them two questions. 1. When was the last time you seen the Mayor walk in to your shop and ask you how your business was doing? 2. Do you feel safe in your place of business? We live in one of the world richest countries. Our people are over dosing at a rate of 1 every two nights. People are living on the streets, along ravines. In Einstein's words... we cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used to create them. Then should Carter even be considered? He made the problem he was elected to solve worst. What would give anyone the idea that he can accomplish anything different in another four years. The future of Oshawa is on the line. They say we can’t move forward until we respect and appreciate our history. Einstein was not a stupid man. He knew better. Would Einstein have voted for Carter? Would he have voted him for another term? You know the answer. Then why should you prove Einstein theories true? NO TO CARTER.

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