Tuesday, October 25, 2022

It is what it is

By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret or Sorrow. I like to begin this column by thanking all the people of Oshawa that believed in me and supported the chance at a new Oshawa. Unfortunately, not everyone shared our wishes and our concerns. As a responsible member of society we must abide and support the decision of the majority. In this case it appears by the numbers at the polls that the people of Oshawa are o.k. with having a never ending problem with people living out on our streets, on our ravines and parks. With people over dosing at an all time high and passing on our streets. I must assume by the results that people are ok with yearly tax increases and wasteful spending like that of the Broadbent Park at a cost of 10 million of your tax dollars. Not to mention that this is an outright waste just before the 2022 municipal election and one that is most notable. How about all the other wasteful spending that no taxpayer ever hears about. The people have spoken and the suffering will continue for another four years. I hope and wish all the people of Oshawa luck in the next four years as we prepare for economic hardship and increase in crime not to mention the ongoing decline in the quality of life of our city. Einstein famous words include, "We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." This is a powerful statement on society over all. Then why the results before us today? Einstein went as far as stating “Insanity Is Doing the Same Thing Over and Over Again and Expecting Different Results”. Could our city be in a worst mental health condition than those walking our streets on drugs? That is a scary thought. To think that the population at large with the exception of those that did vote for change have some sort of neurosis or psychological compromise scares me. Sadly, failure can be rationalized but sourly accepted. Great men like John Wooden "Failure isn't fatal, but failure to change might be". This appears to be so true for Oshawa. Specially for those on our streets. Robert F. Kennedy - “Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.” Sadly in the meantime... Our citizens are passing away from drug overdose. Our children can’t afford to purchase new homes. Crime is at an all time high. The homeless are living on our streets. Failure has a price and Oshawa voters will have to live with this on their conscious. Henry Ford - “The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing.” It appears that Oshawa has not learned... and I hope that is not the case and that Oshawa does not care. To all across the region that put their names forward. Successful or not. You should all be proud of the effort for having the guts to put your name forward and at the least try. In my opinion this is the ultimate license to opinion. As it is up to all of us to become involved in the governance process. Without involvement we become numbers in a machine. Much like what is taking place in Oshawa. Citizens are treated like a number and far from with respect. The more we shy from asking questions the more we surrender our rights and the more they are abused against us. Policy, procedure, convenience all tools that are set forth to benefit that of which set them. As a people we need to stop being a number and ask for more accountability. We need to instill and demand that standards be set. The minimum requirements be set in the customer service realm. Congratulation to all that achieved their goals. To all that have come up short. Be proud that you did not fear the challenge and hopefully you learned from the experience.

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