Monday, October 3, 2022

The Wire

By Karrie Lynn Dymond ward 5 City Councillor Hello everyone, my name is Karrie Lynn Dymond. As a new face in municipal politics. I hope to bring you people based type of representation. Representation that matters to you. That impact our daily life in positive and dynamic way. My life experience in the community has given me first hand glimpses at the impact decision have on the daily lives of our citizens. For this reason I am looking forward to becoming your Ward 5 representative. I am really excited as we enter the last 20 days or so of the campaign. My signs are out in full force. Please let me know if you like one. I love to get one out on your front yard. Showing all of Oshawa that you are ready for change. The right kind of change. Change by one of you. A hard working tax payer that knows the value of a dollar earned. I may not have all the answer all the time. But I can assure you that I will work very hard to find them and bring you only results. In the past few years we have had to come to the reality that our country is suffering economically. Normally we would have said. It can never happen here. Canada is one of the richest countries in the world. Well, it appears that we are now facing a very serious problem when it comes to the well being and economics of the average person. More and more are becoming homeless and more and more are going to be hungry every night. I am so excited to start working with council on finding solutions to the homeless and hunger problem. To rid our streets of drugs and assure the safety and happiness of all our citizens. I strongly believe that together we can make great things happen. That if we all do our part we can achieve greatness. For this reason I am humbly asking you to vote. Come out to vote like never before. Your vote has never been more important. Change only come about one vote at a time. I need your vote. The city needs your vote.

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