Monday, October 3, 2022

How Pathetic

By Ahmad Formuly Ward 1 City Councillor Candidate for Oshawa I like to begin this column by thanking The Central for inviting me to write a weekly column to all readers. This I believe is a great service to the community at large. Most voters when faced with an election know very little about those running. Specially the new candidates. From now until the election I hope to take advantage of this feature and address many of the issues that matter to Oshawa and the ward I will be representing. Just this past week I have been out in full force putting out my signs. As such and on a limited budget as most new candidates have to carefully place my signs strategically. Sadly I received a call from a local man by the name of Stephen LaForest. He was very friendly but forceful. He informed me to remove my signs as they were on private property and that if I did not removed them that he would take them and that I could go pick them up from his house. I thought this to be odd. The man claimed that he represented the land owner. When asked the names of the land owners he refused to provide. This seemed a bit strange. I consulted a good friend of mine that has extensive knowledge in this matter and he informed me that no citizen without authorization can remove signs from any property other then that of their own. That anyone removing election signs from any property other than that of their own is in breach of federal law. Furthermore. No person shall act as a bylaw officer and or practice such practices. If my signs were on private property and the land owner selected not to have them there they have two options. 1. To contact City bylaw. 2. Contact me directly. The fact that a third party calls me without proof of authorization in working as an agent for any land owner is one a fraud... as this Mr. LaForest is misrepresenting himself. Secondly, this Mr. LaForest has no legal right to touch, tamper, alter and or remove any municipal signs as that is a break of federal law. RCMP across the country are reminding people that it’s still a criminal offense to tamper with election signs. Tampering with or stealing/moving/storing election signs is an offense under the Criminal Code of Canada and the Canada Elections Act, and anyone caught doing so can be facing charges, including mischief to property or theft under $5,000- which has a maximum penalty of two years in prison. I further had discussions with Mr. Russo that is also running in the same ward. He expressed concern that many of his signs have gone missing in the past weeks. He was also contacted by the same individual. According to Mr. Ingino running for Mayor. In discussion with Theresa Anne Corless, she disclosed her concern over stolen signs. In Mr. LaForest message on Mr. Ingino phone stated that on two of the properties that LaForest demanded for signs to be removed. Rosemary McConkey the third candidate of that ward according to LaForest she had permission. Question 1. How does LaForest know that McConkey has permission. Could this be a ploy by McConkey? What a coincidence that in Ward 1 for City Councillor. Theresa and myself are having signs disappear. That this LaForest is not responsible for making our signs go array. This is cheap politics. If McConkey is involved. Shame on you. After careful discussions with Mr. Ingino and since Mr. Ingino has over 130 signs gone missing. He has a clear message for LaForest. You have no authority to touch any signs or demand the removal of the same. You will be persecuted to the full extend of the law if you continue to attempt to coherce, intimidate or misrepresent yourself in any way. I share the good advice of Mr. Ingino. LaForest govern yourself accordingly.

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