Monday, October 10, 2022


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret or Sorrow. Talk about 50 shades of gray... this was more like 50 shades of red. Ok let me back it up. This past week the Chamber of Commerce in its attempt to save face as the traditional debate failed with great style and grace. Originally it was to take place at a local restaurant at 7:30am at a cost of $27. This was met with opposition. One to early on a week day the other people did not want to pay $27 dollars for a breakfast. Instead the Chamber pulled a 180 and opted for no debate. No public. Just the Mayoral candidates. Mayoral candidates were invited to attend Rogers community TV studio for a live on air Q&A. The recording can be viewed if you go to and scroll down. The Q&A was an early morning turkey shoot. The question loaded and the mayor spewing statistics like a champ. He attempted to take credit for natural growth. Meanwhile not acknowledging all the opportunities he missed. Not to mention addressing the serious and in peril condition our downtown is in. According to Carter the City has never done better. Quality of life according to him could not be better. At one point I had to wake up Sara as she sat to my left. A question was asked and she just sat there. I had to call her name so that she realized that a question was pending. Sara’s priority for the city appeared to revolve around a dog park downtown and nature path. She clearly showed that she lacks the experience of running a business. By her own admittance on the broadcast she admits not to have answers to some issues. She goes on as stating that Sara has approached city many times and the City has ignored every request. She clearly has not been effective as a civilian she will surely not be effective as a mayor with no real life experience. Near the end of the broadcast... Carter goes on how he is law abiding citizen... blah, blah only to be questioned on why he broke his own bylaws by posting his election signs prior to the allotted time. Some law abiding person. Some leader. Great example. Not to mention a police investigation. During Carter break of the law. He was filmed by a citizen. In the film. You can clearly see Carter walking up and attempt to push back the camera man. Subsequently the camera man suffered injury and has filed a complaint with Durham Regional Police. The question I ask is... Would you hire Sara or Carter to run any corporation? Have they ever had a business or filled the role they seek election for? Sara a clerk at an electrical contractor. Carter a careered free loader. Is this what I am running against? Should I even have to campaign. Proven leadership. Proven successful business. PEOPLE IT IS TIME. LET’S TAKE OUR CITY BACK.

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