Saturday, December 10, 2022


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret or Sorrow. “AMBER ALERT” - should be an “RED ALERT” for all of us. How is it that the government can send out such a message to all cell phone numbers? Have we as consumers... as citizens surrendered the right to our privacy? If the government can send us a message. It rationally can be thought that the government utilizing similar technology can access our cell phones through our numbers. Oh you shake your head and question that logic? Think about it. Your smart phone is smart alright... This is why they issued it to a dummy like you and me. We barely know how to dial it and use some of the apps that have been tested on lab chimp. You think that anyone of us truly know the actual threat to privacy these phones are? To entrust that our government would never do that to us... that the government and all it’s agencies work above board and no one is above the law is nothing short of lunacy. The fact is that our privacy is violated on a daily basis. In the field of technology. A signal that can be sent out is a signal that can be received. The ability lies on the operator and the knowledge they have on how to manipulate the electronic logistics within any device. With the advancements in modern electronic technology today nothing is impossible. I remember back in 1993. When we at the Central began working within the internet framework. The Central was the first newspaper to publish on line across the globe. Believe it or not. Right here in Oshawa we made global history by being also the first commercial entity to be broadcasting live music online across the planet. At that time the technology was primitive in comparison to what we have today. At that time we could literally find anyone in the world by using and IP address and some fancy written computer language. NO GOOGLE. NO GOOGLE MAPS. Now if we could do that then. Imagine what can be done today. I remember ICQ, one of the very first social media outlets. A simple way to chat with people all over the world. Way before FB. We could technically utilize that technology to listen to different environments by manipulating the code. Highly illegal. Highly sophisticated for the time. Imagine what can be done today. We as a media company much like the police and security entities at times rely on utilizing technology to give an edge. Not that we can utilize any of that information gathered but we much like the police sit on it... and what things play out. Now back to the so called ‘AMBER’ alerts that have been sold to us as good for us. As part of saving life bullshit. Amber alerts save no lives. In my opinion as a internet sophisticado with years of active experience. I believe that the amber alerts are nothing short than a refresh on the intelligence systems servers that tally all active cell phone number available. Numbers that can and are being used to monitor, track and carry on sophisticated surveillance on all citizens. We the dummies using smart phones allow it as it is being sold to us as good for us. That we are helping save lives. Malarkey. Much like personal information that we entrust with Rogers, Bell and others that is sent to over seas phone centers. Information that is bought and sold in the information black market. I suggest to all that you disable your amber alert from your phones. That you learn about the technology and keep your cell phones off when not in use. Then again. Did you know that all cell phones once you turn them off they still can send out of your where abouts? Privacy is just another word much like love. We all think we have it.

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