Saturday, December 17, 2022


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret or Sorrow. - ONE DAY AT A TIME - It has taken the government 30 years to figure out how to regulate and control not to mention censor the internet. As one of the pioneers in internet technologies I can tell you first hand that as soon as the internet became commercialized. The governments of the world have been licking their chops on finding ways to take control. How to monetize. Well in this modern age of protecting ‘US’ bull shit. The government has found the silver bullet. The government both in Canada and the U.S. are calling necessary to block internet users from the internet in the name of National security. I say malarkey. I say this is just another example of how government controls the population at large. Take note that the internet in it’s pure form is a system set up as ‘FREE WARE’. This means anyone has access. This system was set forth to be the ultimate in communication with self governance as the primary regulator. As everything that has been created for the good of man. It ends up being a tool for commerce to make money and for government to be used as a tool against it’s people. Personally, I believe that if the government is successful in passing laws that will give them rights to restrict users from receiving material from parts of the net. The net as we know is finished. It is not bad enough that as it is, that we have Google and the likes polluting the broadbands of the net with ads, tracking technology and intel gathering on users. Now the government? You got to be kidding me. The worst of it is that if anyone attempts to by-pass their restriction. They will be deemed and enemy of the state and face some serious criminal allegation and be labeled a terrorist or one that supports foreign enemy. I am beyond words on how the government plans on monitoring use and prevent from foreign countries to send info in. Think about it. It is a web. This means that there are endless points of entry. Not only that. The web was designed specifically to prevent anyone to block others from navigating it. Then now how is it that the government is so advanced in the field of internet technology? THEY ARE NOT. What the government will do. They will monitor usage and anyone that is found to be dealing or receiving/interacting with any sources the government deem a threat. The user will be blocked. This means that every Canadian citizen will be monitored and censored. We are giving up our civil liberty and our privacy. We are being forced once again under the guise of a threat of foreign governments to comply and give up privacy. Does this not sound familiar to the COVID situation? The government will accomplish this feat of monitoring every citizen with the assistance of Artificial Intelligence. Artificial Intelligence is a series of system designed to compute at a higher rate never seen before. These systems are already in use in many of the countries we deem enemy of the state. Such as China, Korea. This technology is being forced upon us as a good thing. I say, thank you but no thank you. We the people are ignorant of the fact. We must stop be made to fear and demand our governments do their jobs and assure our security not by taking our rights and freedoms instead by identifying the enemy and take proper diplomatic avenues to address any threat. No, once again we the people take the brunt of their neglect and failure to act on our behalf.

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