Saturday, December 31, 2022


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret or Sorrow. - ONE DAY AT A TIME - I look around me and can’t explain it. How is it that as a society we have become so complaisant? We are led by misconception and uncalled fear. Slavery has to have a sense of fear. A sense of belongnes. A sense of place within a system that is believed to be in place in the betterment of our survival. Slaves do not want to be slaves but are forced our of a series of fears that in part if carefully thought out. Lack rational and or logic. In modern times, we suffer similar fate. All of us are animals of habit. We generally do the same thing day in and day out. We follow norms and laws out of fear of reprisal. Our free will is compromised in the name of surviving. We have to pay this bill that bill our mortgages... We are led by the fear of loss. By the fear of social oppression and or judicial prosecution. The bottom line is we conform to whatever is thrown our way. Our modern day slavery routines are a never ending abyss of surrenders of our civil right, human decency to a system that does not really care about the average person. Take banks, telecommunication companies, insurance companies. They harp they are working in the best interest of clients and reality they have the best interest of their own operations. While punishing those that can’t and filling their pockets with record profits. Look at government. Sending billions over seas to fight foreign wars. To help nations that by their own demise can’t help themselves. Yet, our own nationals are sleeping on streets. Hard working people are having problems paying bills. Our children ownership of homes has become an unreachable dream. While the government keeps taxing, wasting and tightening the noose around peoples throat to comply. COVID - never ending tax increases, so on and so on. We the people need to put a stop to this. We the people have to take our country back. Forget putting in a conservative over a Liberal. They are one of the same. What we need is a new form of governance. One that puts people first. One that caps all politicians pay to a minimum. No more once elected becoming a millionaire over night. No more of the waste of duplicating services. No more waste. We the slaves need to uprise and demand that we be taken care. Not made to conform and pay for others successes.

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