Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Swallow it’s good for you

By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” No you perv’s it is not that kind of column. Now that we cleared the air sort of say. What is it with government that thinks we are that stupid. Or wait. Could it be that we are. It makes common sense that if you have tooth ache that you go to a dentist and not a gynecologist or proctologist. Vise versa if you have to have a historectomy you don’t go to a dentist. Points of entry can make a world of difference and the complexity to achieve either task would be long, painful and unpractical. Then if these statement stand true. Why are we as a general population being fed the line that it is good for us.... Take for example the corporate and private as well as government. They tell us that we must conform in the name of convenience. Use your credit card. Meanwhile the credit cards make billions each day from users being fooled to believe that it is convenient. During the COVID out break and in part even today. We are led to believe that the vaccine reduces risk of severity and spread. Much like in my opening statement. They are telling us without real knowledge or thought that it is ok to go to a gynecologist to have a tooth removed. The vaccine even today. Almost a year after the fact is being questioned as to it’s effectiveness, it’s real purpose and the after affects on the human body. Have we accomplished a tooth extraction from a wrongful entry and now attempting to justify it? Now it is a matter of ‘SWALLOW IT’S GOOD FOR YOU’ mentality being challenged by the same science that forced us to take it and like it. We live in a world that has no real direction. One government follows the lead of another. The essence of democracy as for the people by the people no longer applies. It appears that governments of the world rule on misinformation and forced social compliance. We the people are stupid. We the people allow it to happen. We the people are not ignorant of the facts but instead ignorant of period. Never surrender that of which others have sacrificed for you to exercise. We the people ar not numbers. This in part is our demise and we keep swallowing thinking it is good for us.

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